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发布时间:2018-10-12 14:05
[Abstract]:Writing teaching is an important part of language teaching, which plays an important role in cultivating students' comprehensive language competence. However, improving students' writing ability is a difficult problem. With the introduction of peer review, many scholars have applied it to the teaching of English writing in an attempt to prove its effectiveness. However, through literature review, it is found that most of the previous peer review studies focused on college students and high school students. Junior high school students as the object of research is less. In view of this, under the guidance of social culture theory, this paper applies peer evaluation to junior high school English writing teaching, and tries to answer the following questions: 1) can peer evaluation improve junior high school students' English writing proficiency? What is the effect on the content, grammar and structure of students' English writing? 2) what is the attitude of students with different levels of English writing towards peer evaluation? In order to answer the above questions, 88 students in the second middle school of junior high school were selected for 12 weeks of experimental study. Each student completed four writing exercises. The experimental class first received peer evaluation training, then revised and evaluated the peer composition, and then the original author revised the second draft and handed it over to the teacher for indirect evaluation before completing the third draft. Control class, implement traditional teacher writing evaluation. Through the analysis of pre-and post-test data by SPSS20.0 and the discussion of questionnaires and interviews, the main conclusions of this study are as follows: 1) first of all, the students in the experimental class are better than the students in the control class. Secondly, the composition of the experimental class has been improved in content, grammar and structure, but the grammar and content have been greatly improved, and the structural progress is small. The improvement of grammar and content is due to the revision of peer review and the inspiration of reading peer composition. 2) through questionnaires and interviews, it is found that high school students of low level hold a positive attitude towards peer review and think that there are some gains from it. But middle-and high-level students do not think teacher feedback can replace peer evaluation. Therefore, it is suggested that the junior middle school English teachers should integrate peer assessment and teacher feedback into the teaching of English writing so as to play a positive role in order to improve the students' English writing level. To sum up, peer evaluation plays a positive role in junior high school students' English writing and is helpful to guide junior middle school students' English writing teaching, so peer mutual evaluation can be applied to junior high school English writing teaching.


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