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发布时间:2018-10-13 14:15
[Abstract]:With the advancement of globalization, the continuous integration of China with the world and the rapid development of communication technology, the application of telephone interpretation in China is becoming more and more. The speaker undertook a telephone interpretation program for the G20 summit in Hangzhou between August 10, 2016 and September 10, 2016, with the main task of translating calls from English-speaking countries during the summit. Due to the fact that telephone interpreters and communicators cannot communicate face to face in the same scene, lack of visual information, and can not effectively control the scene, the speaker meets a series of obstacles in the course of the project. These obstacles are as follows: background murmur makes it more difficult to understand foreign accents, information exchange between the two places is not smooth due to unequal information, and obstacles caused by the lack of situational information of the other two places are mainly reflected in: background murmur makes it more difficult to understand foreign accents. After the completion of the project, the speaker repeatedly listened to the telephone interpretation recording, identified and analyzed the interpretation problems in the call, and combined with the domestic and foreign related literature to reflect, put forward solutions. The scheme mainly includes: preparing well before translation, familiar with the telephone process, reducing the influence of background murmur, familiar with the main accent; improving the skills of actively guiding the dialogue; understanding the city profile of the telephone service. Finally, the report puts forward some suggestions to improve the quality of telephone interpretation, including shortening the working hours of telephone interpreters, adjusting the training structure of telephone interpreters, and setting up relevant courses in colleges and universities to meet the needs of the market. The project report provides practical reference for students who will undertake the task of telephone interpretation, and provides a case for telephone interpretation research.


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