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发布时间:2018-10-13 12:46
【摘要】:航天技术一直以来都是我国大力发展的主要领域。为了不断借鉴吸收该领域的知识,航天英语的英汉翻译就变得尤为重要。本文的翻译理论采取应用广泛的功能目的论。它主张将翻译的目的作为翻译时的主要因素,它为同一文本有不同的翻译版本做出了解释,提升了译者的地位,也将译者从原文的“不忠”中解脱出来。本文以航天月球探索方面的文章“The Moon Zoo Citizen Science Project:Preliminary Results For the Apollo 17 Landing Site”的翻译为研究范本,结合自己的翻译实践,具体分析了航空英语的特点以及功能目的论在航天英语中的应用,分别从词汇翻译、句式翻译和图表翻译这三方面进行具体的案例分析。即如何在功能目的论的指导下分析航天英语的特点、采取翻译方法以及翻译技巧,填补Moon Zoo项目在国内认知的空白,帮助更多的科学家和天文爱好者们深入探究月球知识,更好的为祖国的航天领域做出贡献。
[Abstract]:Space technology has always been the main field of development in China. In order to absorb the knowledge in this field, English-Chinese translation of Aerospace English becomes more and more important. The translation theory in this paper adopts the widely used functional Skopos theory. It argues that the purpose of translation is the main factor in translation. It explains different versions of the same text, elevates the translator's status and extricates the translator from the "infidelity" of the original text. This paper takes the translation of "The Moon Zoo Citizen Science Project:Preliminary Results For the Apollo 17 Landing Site" as a research model and analyzes the characteristics of Aeronautical English and the application of functional Skopos in Aerospace English. Case studies are carried out from three aspects: lexical translation, sentence translation and chart translation. That is, how to analyze the characteristics of Aerospace English under the guidance of functional Skopos Theory, adopt translation methods and translation techniques, fill the gap in the domestic cognition of the Moon Zoo project, and help more scientists and astronomers to explore the moon knowledge in depth. Better to contribute to the motherland's space field.


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