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发布时间:2018-10-15 10:37
【摘要】:图式最早是哲学范畴的概念,表示人脑中存储的背景知识。图式理论认为,人脑中的图式可以被激发、匹配,从而使人理解新信息并作出推测。认知语言学的发展使得图式理论在阅读理解和听力理解等外语教学研究领域中被广泛运用。由于翻译可以被看作一种原语和目的语之间意义转换的认知过程,近年来,我国一些学者开始尝试从图式的视角研究翻译。作者试图在前人关于图式和翻译研究的基础上,创新的将图式理论应用在商务翻译中。在本文中作者运用了文献研究法、描述性研究法、对比分析法和实证分析法,查阅了大量相关资料,着重解决了以下问题:1.图式的运作机制和翻译过程分别是什么? 2.图式是如何在翻译过程中运作的? 3.图式理论是如何指导商务翻译的?1.在图式的运作机制和翻译过程方面,作者在前人研究的基础上汇总分析了在翻译过程中,原文要经过译者的解码和编码成为译文,再经过再解码才能到达读者。读者是翻译过程的最后终端。在图式的运作机制中,人们需要对头脑中的相关图式进行激活、调整,最终和新事物相匹配,才能达到正确的理解。2.就图式在翻译过程中的运作机制而言,作者将图式理论指导下的翻译活动看做是理解原文和生成译文的动态过程。译者激活原语图式解码,对应目的语图式编码,最后对理解和表达再次调整形成译文。3.从图式理论对商务翻译的指导来看,作者进一步完善了对图式的细化,分为语言图式、内容图式、文体图式和文化图式。在语言层面上,译者要激活恰当的术语、缩略语等语言图式,激活并匹配恰当的多义词词义,并根据译入语特点进行恰当的词性转换、句式和语态调整;在内容层面上,译者要激活头脑中源语言商务方面的专业知识,包括专业术语、多义词及新词,完成理解后激活目的语对应的内容图式并与之相匹配;在文体层面上,译者要识别所译文本文体,有广告体,公文体,合同体等,激活相应文体图式,并在翻译过程中选择恰当文体;在文化层面上,译者在翻译过程中可能会遇到图式一致、图式缺省、图式冲突等情况,这就需要译者进行图式替换、图式补充、图式调整等措施。作者分别分析了图式理论在语言、内容、文体、文化四个维度上对商务翻译的指导,为商务翻译研究提供了新的视角。
[Abstract]:Schemata were originally the concept of philosophical category, representing the background knowledge stored in the human brain. Schema theory holds that schemata in the human brain can be stimulated and matched to make people understand new information and make speculations. With the development of cognitive linguistics, schema theory is widely used in foreign language teaching and learning such as reading comprehension and listening comprehension. Since translation can be regarded as a cognitive process of meaning conversion between the source language and the target language, in recent years, some Chinese scholars have begun to study translation from the perspective of schema. On the basis of previous studies on schema and translation, the author attempts to apply schema theory to business translation. In this paper, the author uses literature research, descriptive research, comparative analysis and empirical analysis to consult a large number of relevant data, focusing on the following problems: 1. What is the operational mechanism and translation process of schemata? 2. How does schema work in translation? How does schema theory guide business translation? 1. In terms of the operational mechanism and translation process of schemata, the author summarizes and analyzes that in the process of translation, the original text must be decoded and encoded by the translator and then redecoded to reach the reader. The reader is the final terminal of the translation process. In the working mechanism of schemata, people need to activate and adjust the relevant schemata in their minds, and finally match with new things in order to get a correct understanding. 2. As far as the operational mechanism of schema in the process of translation is concerned, the author regards the translation activities under the guidance of schema theory as the dynamic process of understanding the original text and generating the target text. The translator activates the schema decoding of the source language, encodes the schema corresponding to the target language, and readjusts the understanding and expression to form the translation. 3. From the perspective of schema theory on business translation, the author further improves the refinement of schemata, which can be divided into linguistic schema, content schema, stylistic schema and cultural schema. At the linguistic level, the translator should activate appropriate terms, acronyms and other linguistic schemas, activate and match the proper meaning of polysemous words, and make proper part of speech conversion, sentence structure and voice adjustment according to the characteristics of the target language. The translator should activate the professional knowledge of the source language business, including technical terms, polysemous words and neologisms, and activate and match the corresponding content schema of the target language after comprehension. The translator should identify the target text, advertising style, public style, contract style and so on, activate the corresponding stylistic schema, and choose the appropriate style in the process of translation. At the cultural level, the translator may encounter schema consistency in the process of translation. Schema default, schema conflict and so on, which requires translators to carry out schema replacement, schema supplement, schema adjustment and other measures. The author analyzes the guidance of schema theory on business translation in four dimensions: language, content, style and culture, which provides a new perspective for the study of business translation.


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