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发布时间:2018-10-15 07:23
【摘要】:在传统语法下,英语冠词作为一类功能词长期受到忽视;但在乔姆斯基最简方案框架下,冠词被赋予了功能语类这一新的地位,并因此受到广泛关注。以往对英语冠词的习得研究主要从冠词语义特征、音韵迁移、形态分布、句法系统等角度展开,很少有从界面角度探讨二语习得者的冠词习得情况。本文立足于接口假说,从句法和语用视角,探讨中国英语学习者的冠词习得情况,并进一步讨论中国学生对冠词习得的困难是源于句法还是句法语用接口。本研究对三组处于不同水平的中国英语学习者共135人进行了研究,经过无效问卷筛选和牛津快速分级测试,总计90名受试的问卷进入最终数据分析;另外有5名英语为母语的本族语者作为对照组。本研究采用的强制提取任务是由埃塞克斯大学二语习得研究小组设计,由Neal Snape博士提供的。它是专门用来研究二语习得者英语冠词习得情况的一项任务。从实验中获取的数据运用SPSS软件进行了描述统计并结合理论进行了相关分析。研究结果表明,中国英语学习者尚未完全习得英语冠词。但随着学习者英语整体水平的提升,他们对冠词的准确使用率也会随之提高;其次,中国英语学习者的冠词习得受不同语用语境的影响。对于定冠词的习得,学习者在回指语境中表现最好,其次是百科全书和大语境;而对不定冠词的习得,中国英语学习者在特指语境下的冠词使用远不及其在非特指语境下的使用。中国英语学习者尚未掌握句法语用接口的映射规则,他们的习得困难在于句法和语用接口而非单纯句法;中国英语学习者的中介语语法并没有损伤,普遍语法在二语习得过程中依然可及。本文进一步证明了,接口假说对仍处于二语发展阶段的受试依然有效;中国英语学习者在冠词习得过程中的习得困难及使用错误,可以从句法和语用接口得以解释。本文可为国内英语冠词的教学提供方法指导,为国内接口研究做出一定的贡献。
[Abstract]:In traditional grammar, English articles have been neglected as a kind of functional words for a long time. However, under the framework of Chomsky's minimalist scheme, the article has been given a new status of functional category, which has attracted wide attention. In the past, the acquisition of English articles was mainly carried out from the aspects of semantic features of articles, phonological transfer, morphological distribution, syntactic system and so on. Based on the interface hypothesis, this paper explores the acquisition of articles by Chinese EFL learners from the perspective of syntax and pragmatics, and further discusses whether the difficulties of Chinese EFL learners in the acquisition of articles arise from syntactic or syntactic pragmatic interfaces. In this study, 135 Chinese EFL learners of different levels were studied. Through the screening of invalid questionnaires and the Oxford Fast grading Test, a total of 90 Chinese EFL learners entered the final data analysis. Another 5 native English speakers served as the control group. The compulsory extraction task was designed by the second language acquisition team of the University of Essex and provided by Dr Neal Snape. It is a special task to study the acquisition of English articles by second language learners. The data obtained from the experiment are described and analyzed by SPSS software. The results show that Chinese EFL learners have not fully acquired English articles. However, with the improvement of learners' overall English proficiency, their accurate usage rate of articles will also increase. Secondly, Chinese EFL learners' acquisition of articles is influenced by different pragmatic contexts. For the acquisition of definite articles, learners perform best in anaphora context, followed by encyclopedia and macrocontext, while in the acquisition of indefinite articles, Chinese EFL learners' use of articles in specific context is much less than that in non-specific context. Chinese EFL learners have not yet mastered the mapping rules of syntactic and pragmatic interfaces. Their acquisition difficulties lie in syntactic and pragmatic interfaces rather than simple syntax. Universal grammar is still within reach in second language acquisition. This paper further proves that the interface hypothesis is still valid for the subjects who are still in the stage of second language development, and that the acquisition difficulties and errors in the acquisition of articles by Chinese EFL learners can be explained by syntactic and pragmatic interfaces. This paper can provide guidance for the teaching of English articles in China and contribute to the study of domestic interfaces.


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