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iEver B系列优先股购买协议(节选)汉译实践报告

发布时间:2018-10-18 09:46
[Abstract]:With the deepening of China's reform and opening up, the Chinese and foreign countries in politics, economy, science and technology, commerce, education, culture and other fields of mutual dependence, increasingly extensive exchanges, so legal translation has become indispensable. However, the current legal translation in China is still insufficient in relation to literature, science and technology, and commercial translation. People who have worked in legal translation have encountered many difficulties in the beginning. They are difficult to begin with in the face of words. Even if translated, they are awkward and difficult to understand even by professionals. The reasons for these embarrassing situations vary from person to person and from translation to translation object, including the differences between English and Chinese languages and Chinese and Western cultures, and between Anglo-American and continental law systems. Unlike universal translation, in addition to having the necessary universal translation skills, legal translation also requires an interpreter to have the necessary legal knowledge and relevant professional knowledge of business and finance, as well as an understanding of the text, norms and legal culture of legal documents. Only in this way can we follow the professional norms of law, speak less and make less mistakes in translation. The stock purchase agreement is an important category of commercial contract, which belongs to the applicable category of legal texts. It has the features of formal rigor, detail and accuracy, and complexity, and translation also has its own characteristics. This report is a reflection and summary of the text and translation features of the stock purchase agreement. Through the analysis, the author studies the text features of the original text, and analyzes the difficulties and characteristics of the stock purchase agreement from the three levels of vocabulary, sentence and text. On the basis of this, some translation strategies of English stock purchase agreement are summarized. Among them, vocabulary and sentence are the biggest difference between legal English and general English. Through more examples, the features of legal English in terms of vocabulary (phrase) and sentence are shown in detail. On this basis, the author introduces the translation methods and strategies of some words and sentences, and tries to summarize some general rules. In addition, the author also introduces some translation tools and resources, including CAT (Computer-Aided Translation), legal websites and dictionaries, which are also of great significance to the completion of high-quality legal translation.


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