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发布时间:2018-10-22 07:42
[Abstract]:Agriculture, has been the foundation of our country since ancient times, is also the national strategic focus. With the further deepening of globalization and the improvement of our country's comprehensive national strength, the agricultural policy of our country has been paid more and more attention by many foreign professionals. In view of this, the translator chooses the study of China's Food Security and Agriculture going out Strategy. This translation practice report is excerpted from the first and sixth sections of Chapter 3, and forecasts the future development trend of China's grain trade through the analysis of the current situation of international grain production and the comparison of data. Based on Newmark's classification of text types, the original text belongs to informational text, which should be reader-oriented in translation and reproduce the content of the original text as accurately as possible. The author takes the accuracy of information transmission as a translation strategy and focuses on the problems in the process of translation. In the case study, we focus on how to maintain accuracy in terms translation, synonym translation, logical deconstruction and digital translation. In terms of terms, the corresponding expression can be found by consulting the relevant materials and documents; if the corresponding expression is inaccurate, it is interpreted by means of free translation and annotated; in terms of synonyms, the content of the original text is correctly grasped, and the proper meaning of the word is chosen. Give the most accurate expression; in the aspect of logical deconstruction, according to the English expression habit, reschedule the sentence order, use passive voice and attributive clause to make the translation express more smoothly and authentic; in the numerical aspect, express the numerical relation accurately, Avoid ambiguity. The purpose of this report is to provide relevant information for researchers in the field of agricultural economy both at home and abroad, and to provide reference for translators of similar texts in the selection and application of translation strategies and methods.


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