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发布时间:2018-10-22 17:54
[Abstract]:Translated by Roger Abrams, a sports law expert, chapters 5 and 6 of Sports Justice: sports Law and Sports cause. The book mainly introduces the legal cases related to sports and aims to provide sports enthusiasts and legal workers with relevant information so that readers can understand the status of sports in the United States and the impact of the law on sports. The original author describes legal cases in the form of stories, thus avoiding the obscurity of the legal language. The article is fluent, easy to understand and readable. Therefore, on the basis of keeping the style of the original text faithful to the original text, we should pay attention to the readability of the translation from the perspective of the text. Cohesion is an important condition for the formation of a text. In order to obtain a natural and fluent translation, the translator must take into account the differences in cohesive devices between English and Chinese, select appropriate translation methods and enhance the readability of the target text. This paper is divided into five parts. The first part introduces the background, objectives and significance of the translation project. The second part is the introduction of the original text, including the introduction of the original author, the content of the original text, and the analysis of the features of the original language. The third part describes the translation process, including pre-translation preparation, translation process and post-translation quality control. The fourth part is case analysis. In this part, the author first discusses the meaning of readability and cohesion, and their influence on the text. Then the author discusses the translation techniques from the perspective of discourse cohesion through a specific case study. The fifth part is the conclusion, pointing out the main findings and limitations of the translator in the process of translation.


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