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发布时间:2018-10-23 19:36
[Abstract]:In recent years, the research on reflective teaching has taken shape at home and abroad, but it seldom involves the application of this theory in the development of college English teaching. Based on the argumentation and analysis of the factors affecting the development of English teaching in colleges and universities in China, from the perspective of language economics, this paper analyzes the construction of cooperative knowledge. It is suggested that the construction of cooperative reflective teaching mode is an effective way to improve the level of college English teaching and the flow chart of collaborative teaching design is designed to promote the innovation of college English teaching.
【作者单位】: 滨州医学院外国语与国际交流学院;
【基金】:山东省社会科学规划外语研究专项课题:以培养复合型人才为目标的大学英语教学改革探析(16CWYJ11) 烟台市社会科学规划研究项目:语言经济学视角下烟台地方高校协作反思式英语教学实践研究(ytsk2016-r-087)


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