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发布时间:2018-10-24 08:41
[Abstract]:As people improve their living standards, more and more people choose to go to the theatre on weekends. In order to diversify the domestic drama to meet the needs of audiences of different ages, on the one hand, domestic directors are constantly creating new scripts; on the other hand, Translators or drama researchers introduce good plays or make partial adaptations from abroad. In the latter, translation acts as a bridge. However, drama translation has always been a relatively difficult research topic. Unlike other literary works, drama has a dual character: readability and expressiveness. Drama translation theorists have been disputing which should be the primary consideration in translation. Taking "Glass Zoo" in Tennessee as an example, based on the Skopos theory put forward by Vermeer in 1978, this paper discusses the performance of drama translation, and summarizes some problems that should be paid attention to in drama translation. First of all, according to the time, purpose and field of translation, the author selects two relatively representative versions from the five versions of Glass Zoo for comparative analysis. From translator Lu Jin and Taiwanese female director Martini. Then, by combining the three principles of Vermeer (Skopos principle, coherence principle and faithfulness principle) and the linguistic characteristics of drama (economy, action, localization, personalization, rhetoric), the author makes a profound analysis of the expressiveness of the two versions. When contrasting the translation, the author adopts the comparative analysis method and the case analysis method. Through comparative analysis, the author finds that most of Lukin's translations adopt literal translation, and the sentence structure and meaning of the original text are better preserved through annotations, while Martini's version adopts free translation, and the language is more colloquial and close to life. It embodies the linguistic characteristics of stage drama, but its deficiency lies in the inaccuracy of translation of some proper nouns. But on the whole, Martini's translation is more suitable for stage performance. In addition to analyzing the expressiveness of the translation, the author summarizes some aspects that need to be considered in the translation of drama. First of all, according to the objective principle, the translation should be as concise as possible and reduce the use of ambiguous words and multiple negative words. At the same time, attention should be paid to the movability of language, especially to the translation of verbs, which should reflect the integrity and coherence of the stage performance. And highlight the character of the character. Secondly, according to the principle of coherence, we should pay special attention to the translation of proper nouns or rhetorical devices in order to ensure that the audience can grasp the development of drama in time. Finally, according to the principle of faithfulness, drama translation should not ignore any details, such as character description, stage scene layout, etc.


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