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发布时间:2018-10-25 07:21
[Abstract]:The pre- / post-selection and transformation of noun modifiers is a syntactic phenomenon peculiar to English. Previous studies have attempted to explain it from the perspective of lexical permission, and there is a problem of circular argumentation. This paper reexamines this phenomenon from the perspective of construction grammar, and finds that construction plays an important role in the selection and transformation of modifiers, that is, there are two grammatical constructions in English noun modifiers, namely, pre- and post-modifiers, respectively, before permission. During the generation of postmodifiers, the textual functional subcategorization and descriptive nature of modifiers are the first and the choice of postmodifiers provides a reasonable restriction. The application of the theory of construction permission in the analysis of pre- and post-position selection of noun modifiers provides a new perspective for the study of word order selection and transformation, and enhances the explanatory power of construction grammar.
【作者单位】: 西南大学;


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