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发布时间:2018-10-25 07:29
[Abstract]:Based on the textual research of foreign countries and the late Qing Dynasty, this paper studies the formation of "Fax" and the origin of the translation of "Fax" in Chinese. Based on the statistical analysis of 225 articles of 128 kinds of modern Chinese periodicals, this paper studies the evolution and establishment process of the Chinese translation of Fax. The results show that the term "facsimile" is used to refer to facsimile technology, which began in 1868 by Zhigang in the book "the Chronicles of the Earth", and was first used in modern Chinese journals in 1930. The conclusion is that the origin of the Chinese translation of "facsimile" is the metaphorical borrowing of ancient Chinese in the course of the eastward evolution of electricity, and the cultural consciousness of the Chinese people in the cognition of the new things. The establishment of this Chinese translation name is an important symbol of the eastward spread of facsimile technology. Combing the origin and establishment of the Chinese translation of Fax provides an important basis for the study of the introduction and dissemination of Fax in China.
【作者单位】: 西北大学科学史高等研究院;西安邮电大学研究生院;


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