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发布时间:2018-10-26 11:47
[Abstract]:To explore the correlation between college students' English test anxiety and childhood trauma. In a cluster sampling of 236 undergraduate students from a university in Shaoxing, 42 students with severe anxiety in English test were screened by Sarason test anxiety scale (TAS) and included in the group of high anxiety. At the same time, 80 patients with mild anxiety were randomly selected as low anxiety group. A further (CTQ) survey of childhood trauma questionnaire was conducted to compare the difference of childhood trauma score between the two groups and the correlation between the score and the test anxiety score. The total score of CTQ in the high anxiety group was 35.76 卤3.83, which was higher than that in the low anxiety group (23.63 卤7.06). The difference was statistically significant (P0.001), while the emotional abuse (P0. 015) and the physical abuse (P0. 001) in the CTQ component table were significantly higher than those in the low anxiety group (P 0. 001). The scores of affective neglect (P0.001) and somatic neglect (P0.001) were higher than those of low anxiety group (P 0.001). There was a positive correlation between TAS score and total CTQ score, affective abuse, emotional neglect score in high anxiety group, and the difference was statistically significant. There is a relationship between college students' English test anxiety and childhood trauma, which may aggravate college students' English test anxiety.
【作者单位】: 绍兴文理学院元培学院外国语系;


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