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发布时间:2018-10-26 15:59
【摘要】:本文是一篇翻译项目报告。翻译项目的原文选自《透视教育时尚》(Education Fads)一书第七章。原文在当前的教育潮流和趋势中,指导教育工作者、教师和家长去理解哪些教育革新是适当且有效的。本报告分为五章:第一章是翻译项目介绍,包括项目的背景、目标、意义和结构。第二章是对原文文本的分析,包括作者介绍,原著介绍,以及原文特征分析。根据卡特琳娜·赖斯的文本类型理论,原文为信息型文本,该类文本的翻译以准确传递原文信息、确保译文可读性为宗旨。第三章为本翻译报告的核心部分,即翻译指导理论的选择和应用。鉴于原文文本为信息型文本,本翻译报告以奈达的功能对等理论为理论基础,并结合自身翻译实践,探讨了其在翻译过程中指导作用。第四章指出了翻译中的主要难点和相应的解决方法,并加以例证。第五章为翻译项目总结,包括翻译过程中积累的经验教训及亟待解决的问题。最后,本报告希望可以总结翻译方法,为以后信息型文本翻译的研究提供参照。
[Abstract]:This article is a translation project report. The original text of the translation project is taken from Chapter 7 of (Education Fads). In the current educational trends and trends, the text instructs educators, teachers and parents to understand which educational innovations are appropriate and effective. This report is divided into five chapters: the first chapter is the introduction of translation projects, including the background, objectives, significance and structure of the project. The second chapter is the analysis of the original text, including the introduction of the author, the introduction of the original, and the analysis of the features of the original text. According to Catalina Rice's text type theory, the original text is informational text. The translation of this kind of text aims at accurately transmitting the original information and ensuring the readability of the translated text. Chapter three is the selection and application of translation guidance theory. In view of the fact that the original text is an informational text, this translation report is based on Nida's functional equivalence theory and discusses its guiding role in the process of translation in the light of its own translation practice. Chapter four points out the main difficulties and corresponding solutions in translation and illustrates them. Chapter five is a summary of translation projects, including lessons learned and problems to be solved. Finally, this report hopes to summarize the translation methods and provide a reference for the study of informative text translation.


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9 王欣;;浅论奈达的“功能对等”理论[J];青海师专学报.教育科学;2006年S2期

10 吕朦;;对奈达“功能对等”理论的再认识[J];和田师范专科学校学报;2007年01期

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2 陈道明;;翻译中的“部分功能对等”与“功能相似”[A];福建省首届外事翻译研讨会论文集[C];2007年

3 杨大,




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