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发布时间:2018-10-29 15:02
[Abstract]:Language is the basic medium of communication and plays an important role in social life. One of its most important functions is to express interpersonal meaning. Interpersonal meaning focuses on how people choose language to establish and maintain a communicative relationship with their hearers, express their views on things, and influence their attitudes and behaviors. The United Nations General Assembly is composed of all member States of the United Nations, and representatives of all countries can make speeches, express their concerns, clarify their positions and issue initiatives. Previous studies mainly reviewed and commented on the speech content of the General Assembly from the angle of political science, but the interpersonal meaning of the speech content of the General Assembly is relatively lacking. Barack Obama, one of the most influential presidents in the United States, has been addressing the United Nations General Assembly for the past four years. This paper takes Halliday's tone, modality and person system as the theoretical framework of interpersonal meaning research, and selects Obama's speech texts from the White House website for the last four years. In this paper, a corpus is built according to the speech text, and the corpus is carefully annotated, and the Antconc3.2.3 is used to carry out the data statistics to explore the realization of the three systems and the distribution of various language features in the speech discourse of Obama General Assembly. The qualitative research method is adopted to analyze the specific ways of realizing interpersonal meaning in three systems. Research shows that mood system, modality system and person system are embodied in Obama's speech. From the perspective of mood system, the use of declarative mood is dominant, imperative tone and interrogative tone are less used. Clearly, Obama is mainly in the presentation of information, personal views and political ideas. In terms of modality type, Obama chose meaning over modality, hoping to win the audience's support and persuade the audience to take action. The dominant tendency of modality is implicit subjective and explicit subjective. The prominent subjective tendency shows the use of power and the determination to take action on the current situation. Among the three levels of modality, medium value modality is dominant, followed by low value modality and high value modality. Medium-valued modality expression attitude is mild, avoid the extreme content of the speech, more conducive to the acceptance of the audience. From the perspective of personal system, the usage of first-person pronouns is dominant, followed by third-person pronouns and second-person pronouns. The extensive use of first-person pronouns aims to shorten the distance between speakers and listeners, win trust and establish the authority of the United States and speakers. The results show that Obama has realized the interpersonal meaning of the language by choosing the right language, establishing a close relationship with the audience, conveying personal views and advice to the audience and calling on the audience to take action. The realization of interpersonal meaning influences the audience's cognition and makes it easier for the audience to accept the speaker's views and suggestions, and then change their attitude and take action. The present study proves the feasibility of using mood modality and person system to analyze interpersonal meaning and has positive implications in improving learners' language critical awareness speech writing ability and speech discourse evaluation ability.


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