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发布时间:2018-10-30 07:41
【摘要】:课本是实现课程要求和教育理念的载体,是实施课堂教学的核心组成部分。它既是课程目标和内容的具体体现,又是教师和学生开展教学活动的主要工具。因而,对于英语课本质量的评价,显得尤为重要。逡本研究选取人民教育出版社出版的《新目标》和香港培生出版公司出版的Longman Activate两套初中英语课本作为比较的对象,采用文献法、比较法对课本的深层结构包括情感态度、文化意识、语言知识和语言技能等方面做了系统的比较分析,以便为课本使用者和编写者提供一定的参考,为我国初中英语课本的改革与建设提供可参照的依据。研究发现人教版课本都是以话题学习展开。涉及到的题材广泛,内容丰富,能引起学生的兴趣。单元安排符合语言学习的规律,在课本教学活动安排方面也注重为学生语言技能的发展提供各种学习策略。然而,此课本也存在一些不足,如词汇量过大,课本里的真实语境设置也不够多等。朗文版课本教学理念先进,课程设计合理,重视真实语言环境的创造,内容贴近学生生活。尽管课本里注重香港本土文化的介绍,但是关于中国传统文化的内容却严重不足,容易使学生对中国历史的发展情况和传统文化缺乏充分了解。本研究认为课本编写者应尽可能多地选取与时代接轨,贴近实际生活的内容及语言词汇。尽可能多地为学习者创设真实的语境,适当增加本土文化的比例。教师可以根据实际情况灵活运用课本,可根据具体情况对课本进行必要的删减、替换、补充。
[Abstract]:Textbook is the carrier of curriculum requirement and educational idea, and the core component of classroom teaching. It is not only the concrete embodiment of curriculum objectives and contents, but also the main tool for teachers and students to carry out teaching activities. Therefore, it is very important to evaluate the quality of English textbooks. In this study, two sets of junior high school English textbooks published by the people's Education Publishing House and Longman Activate published by Pearson Publishing Company of Hong Kong were chosen as the objects of comparison. This paper makes a systematic comparative analysis of cultural consciousness, language knowledge and language skills in order to provide some reference for textbook users and writers, and to provide reference basis for the reform and construction of junior high school English textbooks in China. The study found that textbooks are all about topic learning. Involved in a wide range of subjects, rich in content, can arouse the interest of students. Unit arrangement accords with the law of language learning, and it also pays attention to providing various learning strategies for the development of students' language skills in textbook teaching activities. However, there are some shortcomings in the textbook, such as too large vocabulary and insufficient real context settings in the textbook. Longman textbook has advanced teaching ideas, reasonable curriculum design, emphasis on the creation of real language environment, and close to students' life. Although the textbook pays attention to the introduction of local culture in Hong Kong, the content of Chinese traditional culture is seriously inadequate, which makes students lack a full understanding of the development of Chinese history and traditional culture. The present study suggests that textbook writers should choose as much as possible to keep pace with the times and to keep close to the actual life content and language vocabulary. Create real context for learners as much as possible and appropriately increase the proportion of native culture. Teachers can flexibly use textbooks according to the actual situation, can be necessary to delete, replace and supplement the textbooks according to specific conditions.


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