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发布时间:2018-10-30 13:59
【摘要】:思辨力就是能够对事物进行分析推理、质疑评价的能力。当前社会竞争日益激烈,思辨力在个人的发展中起着不容忽视的作用。大学英语作为一门通识课,担负着培养学生思辨力的重任。但是,长期的应试教育以传授、记忆知识为主,忽略了对学生思辨力的培养,客观上造成了学生的思辨缺席。主题式CBI是一种将语言学习与主题内容学习相结合的外语教学理念,主张以学生为中心,注重学生思维发展。目前,关于主题式CBI对非英语专业大学生思辨力影响的研究还很少。因此,本研究将主题式CBI应用于大学英语教学,旨在探究该教学模式对非英语专业大学生思辨力的影响。本研究以山东青年政治学院82名电子商务专业大一学生为对象,在实验班进行主题式CBI教学,在控制班进行传统式英语教学。研究采用批判性思维能力测试(叶玉珠,2003)对两组被试实验前和实验后的思辨力进行测量,并在实验前采用大学英语四级测试,对实验班学生的英语水平进行测定,根据成绩将实验班的学生分为高、中、低三组,最后运用SPSS 22.0对收集的数据进行处理和分析。本研究主要回答以下三个问题:1、主题式CBI对非英语专业大学生思辨力是否有影响?2、主题式CBI对思辨力的五个分项能力的影响是否存在差异?3、主题式CBI对高、中、低水平学生的思辨力的影响是否存在差异?依据研究结果得出的研究结论为:主题式CBI对非英语专业大学生思辨力存在显著影响,在一定程度上可以促进学生思辨力的发展;主题式CBI对思辨力的五个分项能力的影响存在差异,对辨认假设、归纳、演绎三项能力的影响格外显著;主题式CBI对高、中、低水平学生的思辨力的影响存在差异,对低分组、中分组的影响大于高分组。根据上述研究结果,作者为大学英语教学提出了相应的教学建议,同时指出了本研究的局限性,并为今后的研究提出了相应的建议。
[Abstract]:Speculative power is the ability to analyze and reason things and question evaluation. Nowadays, social competition is becoming more and more fierce, and speculative power plays an important role in the development of individuals. College English, as a general course, bears the important task of cultivating students' speculative ability. However, the long-term examination-oriented education focuses on imparting and memorizing knowledge, neglecting the cultivation of students' speculative ability, and objectively causing students' speculative absence. Thematic CBI is a kind of foreign language teaching idea which combines language learning with subject content learning. It advocates student-centered and pays attention to the development of students' thinking. At present, there are few researches on the influence of topic CBI on non-English majors. Therefore, this study applies themed CBI to college English teaching in order to explore the influence of this teaching model on the thinking ability of non-English majors. In this study, 82 freshmen majoring in electronic commerce in Shandong Youth Institute of political Science were enrolled in this study. The subjects of this study were CBI teaching in the experimental class and traditional English teaching in the control class. The critical thinking ability test (Ye Yuzhu, 2003) was used to measure the speculative ability of the two groups before and after the experiment, and the CET-4 test was used before the experiment to measure the students' English proficiency in the experimental class. According to the results, the students in the experimental class were divided into three groups: high, middle and low. Finally, SPSS 22. 0 was used to process and analyze the collected data. This study mainly answers the following three questions: 1. Does themed CBI affect the thinking ability of non-English majors? (2) is there any difference in the influence of themed CBI on the five sub-competence of speculative ability? Is there any difference in the influence of the thinking ability of the low level students? The conclusions are as follows: thematic CBI has a significant influence on the thinking ability of non-English majors and can promote the development of students' speculative ability to a certain extent; The influence of thematic CBI on the five sub-abilities of speculative power is different, and the influence of the three abilities of identifying hypotheses, induction and deduction is particularly significant. The influence of themed CBI on the thinking ability of high, middle and low level students is different, and the effect on low group and middle group is greater than that on high score group. Based on the above findings, the author puts forward corresponding teaching suggestions for college English teaching, points out the limitations of this study, and puts forward corresponding suggestions for future research.


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