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发布时间:2018-10-31 11:39
[Abstract]:Science and technology interpretation is different from other types of interpretation because of its many terms and special features in the field. Therefore, it puts forward higher requirements for the quality and ability of the technical interpreters. In the second half of 2016, the speaker undertook the nanotechnology interpretation project of the Iran Nano-China Center, which included three interpretation activities, namely: Iran's latest nanotechnology referral meeting. The report of this project is based on the experience and experience of the speaker as interpreter in the project, aiming to analyze the project by combining the domestic and foreign literature research. The important and difficult problems encountered by the reportage are analyzed, and the corresponding solutions to these problems are put forward. The speaker encountered three difficulties in the technical interpretation program of Iran Nano-China Center, namely, complicated preparation, heavy English accent of Iranian clients and unexpected situation on the spot. After deeply analyzing the above problems, the speaker puts forward the corresponding countermeasures, and gives some concrete analysis suggestions on how to prepare carefully and fully, how to be familiar with the Iranian English accent as well as how to deal flexibly with unexpected situations. Based on the theoretical research and practical cases, this paper analyzes the important and difficult problems encountered in the course of practice and puts forward some solutions, in order to provide a little reference for the later interpreters.


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