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发布时间:2018-10-31 11:37
[Abstract]:Vocabulary is an important part of language, and vocabulary teaching is also an important part of English teaching. It is well known that junior high school is the key period to learn English well. Most of the vocabulary learned in junior high school is the core vocabulary. The most common way of vocabulary presentation is the single word list, while in the vocabulary teaching, the presentation mode is single, boring and high-forget rate, which is very common. It is important to seek effective presentation ways and explore whether different presentation ways have different effects on lexical memory. Based on the theory of adding theory and information processing depth, this paper tests three different ways of presentation (vocabulary presentation, providing context presentation of target word meaning, and inference of context presentation of target word meaning) to different effects on English vocabulary memory of junior high school students. In this study, 60 junior high school students from three parallel classes in a middle school in Yichun, Jiangxi Province, were divided into three groups according to the first 20 names of the last month's examination. Select from the reading material. After each vocabulary is presented, it is tested for two tests: a short-time memory test after 15 minutes and a long-time memory test after 1 week. The test data were analyzed by SPSS19. 0. Based on the experimental findings and relevant analysis, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) Different vocabulary presentation modes can produce different memory effects. In the short time memory test, the effect of the vocabulary presentation mode is the best, the context presentation mode of providing the meaning of the target word is the second, and the context rendering mode of the target word meaning is deduced to be the worst. However, these three modes of presentation did not significantly differ in short-term memory. (2) In the long-time memory test, the memory effect of three modes of presentation is incremental. The effect of vocabulary presentation is the worst, the context of providing the meaning of the target word is better, and the contextual rendering effect of the meaning of the target word is the best. and there are significant differences in the three presentation ways in long memory effects. The difference between presentation mode 1 and mode 3, presentation mode 2 and mode 3 reaches a significant level. (3) Different vocabulary presentation ways have different effects on the memory effect of different parts of speech. In the short-time memory test, the vocabulary presentation mode has the best effect on the short-term memory effect of the adjective, and the contextual presentation mode of providing the meaning of the target word is the best for the short-term memory effect of the verb. In the long-time memory test, the memory effect of the adjective and noun is obviously better than that of the vocabulary. The contextual presentation of the meaning of the target word is the best when the adjective is long, and the contextual rendering effect of the meaning of the target word is the best when the verb is long. (4) There is difference between short time memory and long memory effect in the same presentation mode. There are significant differences between the short-term memory and the long-term memory effect of different parts of speech. The presentation modes 1 and 2 show the differences between the short-term memory and the long-term memory effect of the verb. The short-term memory and long-term memory effect of a pair of adjectives reached a significant level. There are three types of memory forgetting trends, the vocabulary presenting mode forgetting speed is the fastest, the context presenting mode of providing the meaning of the target word is the second, and the context rendering mode forgetting speed of the target word meaning is the slowest. Based on the above experimental conclusions and their explanations, it can be concluded that new words are presented in the context, which is beneficial to the long-term memory of students. It is unwise and inefficient to memorize words in isolation. In this paper, the information processing depth theory is integrated into the vocabulary teaching. According to the specific teaching goal and the different degree of the students, teachers have the pertinence to choose the appropriate vocabulary presentation way to improve the efficiency of vocabulary learning.


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