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发布时间:2018-11-03 06:51
【摘要】:绘本,又称 图画书‖,是一种独特的儿童文学形式。绘本中的语言生动,图片内容丰富。19世纪中叶,现代意义上的绘本在英国出现,其后迅速发展至其他国家。二十世纪七十年代,引进版绘本在中国市场上出现。如今,凭借其独特的创作视角和多重的教育意义,引进版绘本仍占据着中国绘本市场的90%。本研究基于韩礼德的系统功能语法和克瑞斯和勒文的视觉语法设计了语言和图像的双模态分析框架,以研究儿童绘本汉译中显化的分类,原因和作用。本研究语料来源于25本英语绘本及其中文译本。研究表明,在296处显化中,语言意义的显化占82.43%,图像意义的显化占17.57%。在语言意义显化中,概念意义主要通过对故事发展、参与者、背景等的解释说明,以及改变语态和归一度来实现;人际意义则是通过增加情态动词、语气词、程度副词和频率副词等来实现;语篇意义则是通过改变主位系统,增加连接词和解释所指的具体含义来体现。而对于图像意义显化来说,再现意义是通过在译文中解释说明来源于图像的故事参与者、背景及发展来实现;互动意义则是通过在译文中显化图像的颜色差异来实现;而构图意义的实现则通过显化图像中各元素的相对位置,或将图像中用于分割各元素的框线所传达的意义转化到译文中。分析表明,儿童绘本英译汉中的显化现象出现的原因主要是英汉语言差异、儿童绘本的文本特殊性以及译者翻译风格。通过概念意义的显化,儿童绘本中的故事趋于完整,有助于儿童增强对故事本身的理解,人际意义的显化有助于儿童表达和控制各种情绪,语篇意义的显化对儿童形成逻辑思维能力有积极的意义;另一方面,图像中信息的显化则有助于儿童理解图像中和故事情节有关的信息、图像的颜色和构图。在显化的帮助下,家长和教师可以更完整生动地向儿童讲述绘本中的故事。但显化在一定程度上会改变原文的图文关系,所以译者在选择显化信息时需进行全面的考虑。
[Abstract]:Picture book, also called picture book, is a unique form of children's literature. Picture books are vivid in language and rich in content. In the middle of the 19th century, picture books in the modern sense appeared in England, and then developed rapidly to other countries. In the 1970 s, the introduction of picture books appeared in the Chinese market. Today, with its unique creative perspective and multiple educational significance, the introduction of picture books still occupy 90 percent of the Chinese picture book market. Based on Halliday's systemic functional grammar and Chris and Levin's visual grammar, this study designed a bimodal analysis framework for language and image to study the classification, causes and effects of explicit translation in children's picture books. The present study is based on 25 English picture books and their Chinese versions. The results show that the linguistic meaning is 82.43 and the image meaning 17.57. In the explicit language meaning, the conceptual meaning is mainly realized by explaining the story development, participants, background, and changing the voice and returning to a certain degree. Interpersonal meaning is realized by adding modal verbs, mood words, degree adverbs and frequency adverbs, while textual meaning is embodied by changing the thematic system, adding connectives and explaining the specific meanings. For image meaning manifestation, the meaning of reproduction is realized by explaining the story participants, background and development from the image in the translation, while the interactive meaning is realized by the color difference of the image in the translation. The realization of the meaning of composition is realized by showing the relative position of each element in the image, or by transforming the meaning conveyed by the frame line used to segment each element in the image into the translation. The analysis shows that the main reasons for this phenomenon are the differences between English and Chinese, the particularity of children's picture books and the translator's translation style. Through the manifestation of conceptual meaning, the story in the children's picture book becomes more complete, which helps to enhance the understanding of the story itself, and the manifestation of interpersonal meaning helps the child to express and control all kinds of emotions. The manifestation of textual meaning has positive significance for children to form logical thinking ability; On the other hand, the visualization of the information in the image can help the children to understand the information related to the story, the color and the composition of the image. With the help of manifestation, parents and teachers can tell the story in picture book more fully and vividly to children. However, to some extent, manifesting will change the original text relation, so the translator should consider comprehensively when choosing the explicit information.


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