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发布时间:2018-11-03 14:52
[Abstract]:With the development of science and technology, multimedia teaching has been widely used in educational activities all over the world. Multimedia courseware has wide application space in English listening teaching because of its features of both picture and text, sound and shape, and so on, which provides multiple possibilities for modern English listening teaching. English learning four basic skills including "listening, speaking, reading, writing", among which listening is the dominant, "listening" is the source of information, it is the basis for learning any language, improving listening ability is not only conducive to "speaking, reading," The development of various abilities can also lay the foundation for daily communication. However, under the pressure of the reform of Shaanxi College entrance examination, most English teachers only pay attention to the training of listening ability of senior high school students, but neglect the cultivation of listening ability itself. Multimedia courseware has not played much advantage in English listening class, but has only played the role of saving blackboard time, expanding knowledge capacity and playing English audio. Based on the present teaching situation, the innovative application of multimedia courseware in high school English listening teaching is particularly important. Through classroom observation, questionnaire survey and interview, this study makes a detailed investigation on several representative senior high schools in this area, and finds out that the utilization rate of multimedia courseware in English listening classroom is high. But the use effect is not good; It is found that teachers encounter some problems in multimedia listening teaching, such as lack of teacher-student interaction, blind pursuit of teaching progress, blind use of courseware and lack of understanding of courseware. Considering the psychological characteristics of high school students, such as strong self-awareness, and the physiological characteristics such as the change of abstract thinking ability, and the related theories, such as schema theory and constructivism, This paper puts forward that multimedia teaching courseware of English listening in senior high school can be innovated in many aspects. This first embodies in the innovation of supervision: multimedia courseware needs a set of complete quality control system and mature supervision system to ensure the development of teaching along the scientific road; Secondly, the innovation in design and production: the multimedia courseware for senior English listening needs a series of perfect design and production principles, so as to ensure that teachers can rely on evidence in the process of making; The innovation in making methods and techniques again: allowing teachers to try and innovate continuously in the production methods and techniques of multimedia listening courseware, in order to fully mobilize the teachers' teaching initiative in this area, Let the multimedia courseware in the classroom play a role to the extreme. The research results of this paper can effectively guide senior high school English listening teaching, and have certain reference value to the combination of high school English listening teaching and multimedia courseware.


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