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发布时间:2018-11-05 14:01
[Abstract]:Under the background of the information age, people can not stop people from understanding the world through various ways to obtain news, region, culture and language of other regions and countries. As a special category in the field of news, soft news is widely loved by the public because of its remarkable interest and entertainment, and has high research value. Based on the English and Chinese compiling practice of the soft news of the World wide Web and referring to the compiling guidelines of the soft news of the World wide Web, this paper summarizes the problems that are easy to appear in the headlines, introductions and text of the news. In the process of compiling the title, it is easy to appear the problems such as the title is too long or lack of attractiveness, and in the process of compiling the guide, it is easy to appear the source website translation error, ignoring the differences in the structure of the source text guide and the translation lead, and the confusion of the source text information, and so on. In the part of compiling text, the redundancy of source text information and structure disorder are easy to appear. Guided by Newmark's communicative translation theory and the relevant translation criteria of the Global Web, the translator proposes corresponding solutions. Using case analysis and contrastive analysis, the translator suggests that attractive words and simplified expressions should be used in news headline translation. In order to solve the problem of lead translation, the translator tries to standardize the translation of the source website, adjust the structure by adding and subtracting, and reconstruct the introduction by rewriting. In the part of compiling the soft news text, the translator proposes to transform the direct quotation into indirect quotation and reorganize the text structure information by summing up, deleting and reconstructing. The translator hopes that this study will provide some reference for the translators who participate in the translation of soft news in the later stage, thus improving the overall quality of the translation of English and Chinese soft news.


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