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发布时间:2018-11-06 15:51
【摘要】:正作者:张仁贤逄凌晖刘兵出版社:世界知识出版社翻转课堂(Flipped Classroom)又被称为反转课堂,是一种基于传统教学方式下的逆向教学模式,主要是指学生在进行课堂学习前通过视频、音频等多媒体技术或资源来自主完成学习内容,并且按照教师提供的学习效果检测方式检测,对新的知识点进行处理与吸收,然后带着自主学习过程中出现的问题进入课
[Abstract]:The author: Zhang Renxian Feng Linghui Liu Bing Publishing House: world knowledge Publishing House flipping classroom (Flipped Classroom) is also called reverse classroom. It is a reverse teaching mode based on traditional teaching methods. Mainly refers to the students in the classroom before learning through video, audio and other multimedia technology or resources from the master to complete the learning content, and according to the teacher provided by the learning effect detection method to process and absorb the new knowledge, Then enter the class with the problems that arise in the process of autonomous learning
【作者单位】: 沧州师范学院;


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