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发布时间:2018-11-06 19:59
[Abstract]:Medical science is a subject closely related to human health. Advanced medical technology is helpful to improve the quality of human life. Nowadays, China is increasingly promoting foreign exchanges and cooperation in the field of medicine. Medical translation has become an important bridge for medical personnel at home and abroad, and it also provides Chinese medical personnel with the latest foreign medical research trends in real time. This report is translated from chapters 1 to 3 of the English medical book Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis Clinical Trials. The aim of this study was to provide Chinese medical personnel with the results of treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis abroad. At the same time, some translation methods of medical English are summarized from sentence level, which can be used as a reference for translators in related fields. In the report, the author first analyzes the stylistic features of medical English from three aspects: vocabulary, syntax and discourse, the commonly used technical terms of medical English, polysemous words, abbreviations and nominalized structures, and the sentence patterns are mostly passive sentences and apocalyptic sentences. Clauses and complex long and difficult sentences, the whole text is strict, logical and professional. Any slight misunderstandings and mistakes in translation may have a great impact on human health and even threaten human life. Therefore, accurate content and clear language are the basic requirements of medical translation. In order to show these characteristics of medical texts in the translation, the author is guided by Nida's functional equivalence theory in translation practice, and combines translation techniques such as part of speech translation, increasing translation and breaking translation, in order to make use of the closest and natural translation techniques. The equivalent language reproduces the source text information. Through the study of translation practice, the author believes that the translator should have a more comprehensive ability to do a good job in medical translation. First of all, we should be familiar with the relevant background knowledge and technical terms in the field of medicine, and understand the features of words and sentences and the discourse structure of medical English. Secondly, the highly specialized medical translation requires the translator to be proficient in both English and Chinese, and to combine certain translation theories, strategies and methods to assist translation. Finally, due to the large amount of medical English information and difficult to understand, this requires the translator to be patient and careful enough to digest the source text and translate it accurately. The experience summarized in this translation practice report is expected to provide some reference for medical English research.


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