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发布时间:2018-11-06 21:11
[Abstract]:Nightingale by Christine. There is no Chinese translation of the book by Hannah. The book is a historical novel based on real events during World War II. It mainly tells the story of two sisters-Isabel and Vivian. France was occupied during World War II and they made unremitting efforts to survive. The story reveals from a new perspective what women in war have done: they cannot defend their country on the front lines, but their courage and endurance are also precious. The translation of the original text a total of more than 10,000 words, selected from the first chapter to the sixth chapter. Mainly related to the two sisters Vivian and Isabel's experience. Her sister Vivian lived a carefree life in the French town of Callie Vioben, but her husband was enlisted because of the outbreak of the war, and she was at a loss about the sudden change. Her sister Isabel returned to her father's home after being expelled from boarding school, but the war soon spread to Paris and she was forced to flee. Before the beginning of translation practice, the translator finds out the style of the original text by looking for relevant materials. At the same time, the translator has read Christine. Hannah's other novels understand their creative style. After adequate preparation, the translator carries out this translation project. Since the original text is a novel, the translator pays special attention to how to depict the protagonist of the novel in order to impress the reader. Pay attention to grasp the logic clue of the novel, make the translation clear and easy to understand. At the same time, attention should be paid to the logical and clear narration of the plot of the novel, which will appeal to the readers. Second, there are great differences between English and Chinese. English uses nouns and noun phrases and sentences, while Chinese uses verbs. The translator also explores this point through translation examples. Thirdly, the author applies the translation techniques such as addition and subtraction to practice, and deeply analyzes and explores some complex sentences in the original text. This translation practice can not only test the translator's translation practice ability, but also obtain relevant knowledge and improve his own cultural accomplishment. The translation of novels is different from other translation and has special requirements and principles. For example, the novel language is more vivid than other styles, and many qualifiers or modifiers are used, which should be paid more attention to. At the same time, we should pay attention to the translation of foreign language meaning. These are not only a challenge for translators, but also a good opportunity to learn and practice.


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