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发布时间:2018-11-08 14:27
[Abstract]:Nowadays English has become the most widely used language in the world. As listening accounts for nearly half of all communicative activities, more and more people are beginning to realize the importance of listening in English learning. News is gradually used as English listening materials because of its pronunciation standard and convenience. English news has attracted the attention of many scholars, who have studied the characteristics of English news and the teaching of English news. Modern view of education advocates learner-centered, adaptive learning as a learner-centered learning approach, learners can according to their own interests and abilities to obtain the best and most appropriate learning materials. Some scholars devote themselves to the design, construction and evaluation of adaptive learning systems, and some researchers try to build English news corpus and English news learning system. With the rapid development of information technology, it is possible to develop and put into teaching English news adaptive learning system. From the point of view of English learners, this study aims to explore ways to improve their listening proficiency efficiently and to build an adaptive learning system with English news as the learning material. This study is based on three theories: the theory of optimization of teaching process, the theory of constructivism and the theory of proximal development area. These theories all focus on individualized learning and emphasize the use of different teaching materials and methods for students of different levels. The adaptive learning system is based on the English News Corpus. It respects the individual differences of learners and takes the different needs, interests and abilities of learners as the basis for providing learning and listening resources. The English news adaptive learning system can realize the interaction with the learners, adjust the learning progress autonomously, provide adaptive materials according to the learners' wishes, make an adaptive evaluation of the learning effect and match the appropriate listening exercises. The operation flow of the system is simple and convenient, and the interface is simple and clear. After the learners sign up, they choose the relevant modules to practice and study, and the system records the learning situation and pushes different learning materials. The news corpus includes three parts: news, listening questions and learning materials. All the news in the corpus comes from well-known and authoritative channels, and the learning materials are news stylistic features, news vocabulary, news structure and current affairs background. In order to facilitate retrieval, we classify and annotate the news corpus. English news adaptive learning system is helpful to enhance people's awareness of learner-centered education, create a personalized learning environment, and build a platform for the implementation of autonomous learning. Moreover, the system can improve learners' listening ability, make the learning process more targeted and efficient, and provide convenient and effective resources for teachers to teach listening courses and implement hierarchical teaching.


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