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发布时间:2018-11-09 19:08
【摘要】:批评话语分析(Critical Discourse Analysis,简称CDA)是20世纪70年代末在英国兴起的有关话语分析方法的研究,旨在通过分析语言特征及其生成的社会文化背景挖掘隐藏在语言中的意识形态,进而揭露语言、权势和意识形态之间的复杂关系。目前,国内外批评话语研究主要选取政治意识形态明显的大众语篇,比如新闻、演讲等,较少涉及文学语篇,如小说、剧本等。因此,本文选取剧本为研究语料,试图揭示文本背后隐藏的意识形态和权势控制,并探索背后存在的原因。本研究以昆汀的《八恶人》剧本为研究语料,采用Fairclough的三维框架和Gee的七项话语建构作为理论框架和分析工具,依照描写、阐释和解释三个阶段对剧本中人物对话进行批评话语分析。在描写阶段,采用Gee的七项话语建构作为分析工具,从重要性、活动、身份、关系、政治、关联以及符号系统和知识七个方面分析语料的语言特点,探索隐藏在语言背后的意识形态和权势控制,本研究的意识形态主要是指黑人歧视及南北方价值观,而权势控制主要选取了林肯的一封信的影响力和黑帮影响力两个维度。在阐释阶段,主要阐释语篇与生成、传播和接受它的交际过程的关系,本文从“语篇是如何产生的”“语篇参与者是谁,他们之间的关系如何”以及“语言在语篇生成过程中起到了什么作用”三个方面进行阐释。在解释阶段,主要从剧本故事所处的社会历史和文化背景出发探讨社会语境因素对文中语言使用的影响。研究发现,语篇《八恶人》语言背后隐藏了浓厚的意识形态和权势控制,语篇生产者借助语言形式和结构构建意识形态,产生权势控制。美国长期的黑人奴隶制,西进运动,美国内战,南北方差异和矛盾等是黑人歧视和权势控制背后的原因。研究表明,文学语篇也包含了意识倾向性和权势控制,语言、意识形态和权势三者之间相互依存、相互影响。本研究进一步证明了批评话语分析作为一种语篇分析工具,具有广泛的运用性,可以应用于包括文学语篇在内的多种语篇,Gee的七项话语建构话语篇章分析工具可以作为批评话语分析的分析工具。此外,本研究还可以培养和提高读者阅读过程中的批判意识和敏感度,帮助读者合理地解读和处理信息,而不是被动地接收信息,从而培养批判性思维。
[Abstract]:Critical discourse Analysis (Critical Discourse Analysis,) is a study of discourse analysis methods developed in Britain at the end of 1970s, which aims to dig out the ideology hidden in language by analyzing language characteristics and its social and cultural background. Thus exposing the complex relationship between language, power and ideology. At present, the research of critical discourse at home and abroad mainly selects popular discourses with obvious political ideology, such as news, speech and so on, and rarely deals with literary discourses, such as novels, scripts, etc. Therefore, this paper chooses the script as the research corpus, tries to reveal the hidden ideology and power control behind the text, and explores the reasons behind the existence. The present study uses Quentin's "the eight wicked" script as the research corpus, uses Fairclough's three-dimensional framework and Gee's seven discourse constructs as the theoretical framework and analytical tools, according to the description. The three stages of interpretation and interpretation are critical discourse analysis of the characters in the script. In the descriptive stage, Gee's seven-item discourse construction is used as an analytical tool to analyze the linguistic characteristics of the corpus from seven aspects: importance, activity, identity, relationship, politics, relevance, symbolic system and knowledge. The ideology of this study mainly refers to black discrimination and the values of the North and the South while the power control mainly selects the influence of a letter from Lincoln and the influence of gangs. In the stage of interpretation, it mainly explains the relationship between the text and the communicative process of its formation, communication and acceptance, and from the perspective of "how the text is produced", who are the participants in the text. The relationship between them and the role of language in the process of discourse formation are explained. In the stage of explanation, the influence of social contextual factors on the use of language is mainly discussed from the social, historical and cultural background in which the story is written. It is found that there is a strong ideological and power control behind the language of "the eight wicked", and the discourse producer constructs the ideology with the help of language form and structure to produce power control. The long-term black slavery, the westward movement, the American Civil War, the differences and contradictions between the North and the South are the reasons behind the black discrimination and power control. The study shows that literary discourse also includes consciousness orientation and power control, language, ideology and power are interdependent and influence each other. The present study further proves that critical discourse analysis, as a discourse analysis tool, can be widely used in various discourses, including literary discourse. Gee's seven discourse construction discourse analysis tools can be used as critical discourse analysis tools. In addition, this study can also cultivate and improve the critical consciousness and sensitivity of readers in the process of reading, and help readers to interpret and process information reasonably, instead of passively receiving information, thus cultivating critical thinking.


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