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发布时间:2018-11-09 20:42
[Abstract]:Legal language refers to the written language commonly used in the legal profession, including laws, regulations, agreements, judgments, rulings, etc., especially the language used by lawyers in drafting legal documents. Food law is a branch of many legal texts. In terms of linguistic features, Chinese and English legal texts coexist in similarities and differences. In terms of professional vocabulary, Chinese words are less unique than classical words, while English words are more diverse in meaning, and ancient words are used more frequently. In terms of grammatical features, Chinese multi-verb, multi-active sentence, parataxis, and English multi-verb nominalization, multi-passive sentence, hypertaxis. However, there are two common features in both Chinese and English: the fixed macro structure and the consistency of microscopic forms. Therefore, this translation practice report takes the Chinese and English texts of the food laws and regulations as the object of case analysis, respectively from the professional vocabulary, with the "measures for the Administration of Food Business Licensing" and the "measures for the Supervision and Inspection of Food production and Management (draft for opinions)" as examples. From three aspects of syntactic features and textual features, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the linguistic characteristics of Chinese and English texts of food legal texts, and then attempts to put forward some relevant and effective translation strategies, such as multi-translation of one word and free translation of one word. According to the conclusion of the process, voice transformation and part of speech conversion provide some help for the popularization and popularization of the translation of Chinese and English legal texts.


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