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发布时间:2018-11-10 17:23
【摘要】:被称为“社会润滑剂”的恭维语是人们日常生活中的重要组成部分,恭维答语也因此成为研究热点。Pomerantz(1978)指出在美国文化中,优雅地接受恭维是最好的应答方式,而Yu(2003)认为在中国文化中,人们高度重视谦虚并且将谦虚作为个人形象的重要组成部分,因此在中国文化中,人们多以修正策略及综合策略来回应他人恭维。本文以Cook(2003)的多元能力理论及Leech(1983)的礼貌原则为指导,研究语用反迁移视角下不同英语水平和性别的恭维应答,试图回答两个研究问题:(1)不同英语水平受试者在恭维应答中是如何体现语用反迁移的?(2)不同性别受试者的恭维应答中体现出何种性别差异?本文采用调查问卷的形式,将实验对象分为两组,高英语水平组和低英语水平组,每组男女各40人,通过SPSS 22的卡方数据分析,发现:(1)不同英语水平的恭维应答存在显著性差异,虽然两组的首选策略都是修正策略,但高水平组的接受策略使用频数明显高于低水平组。根据Cook的多元能力理论,迁移是双向的,在语言初学阶段,顺迁移(由母语迁移到外语)比较明显,而高水平语言学习者身上的反迁移(由外语迁移到母语)较明显,因此,高水平组同低水平组相比,使用接受策略的频率更高。根据Leech的礼貌原则,即高水平组使用一致准则的频率更高而低水平组使用谦虚准则的频率更高;(2)恭维应答策略上的性别差异也很显著,具体表现为不论英语水平的高低,男生组比女生组使用拒绝类策略(包括不回应策略和不接受策略)的次数更多,而女生组使用接受策略和综合策略的频数更高,究其原因是男女性别传统的社会地位不同,社会对男女的要求和期望不同,不同性别的恭维语及答语的社会功能也不相同。本研究结果有助于帮助人们对语用迁移有一个更全面的理解,让语言工作者在进行语言教学时更加关注语言与文化的关系,另外,也可以使人们在交际中注意到性别差异,帮助人们的交际顺利进行。
[Abstract]:The compliment, known as "social lubricant", is an important part of people's daily life, and therefore it has become a research hotspot. Pomerantz (1978) pointing out that in American culture, elegant acceptance of compliments is the best way to respond. Yu (2003) thinks that in Chinese culture people attach great importance to modesty and regard modesty as an important part of personal image. Guided by Cook's multiple competence theory (2003) and Leech's politeness principle (1983), this paper studies the compliment responses of different English proficiency and gender in the perspective of pragmatic anti-transfer. This paper attempts to answer two research questions: (1) how does the subjects of different English proficiency reflect pragmatic anti-transfer in compliment responses? (2) what gender differences appear in the compliment responses of different gender subjects? In this paper, the subjects were divided into two groups, high English proficiency group and low English proficiency group, 40 men and 40 men in each group. The data were analyzed by chi-square data of SPSS 22. The results showed that: (1) there were significant differences in compliment response between the two groups. Although the first choice strategy of the two groups was correction strategy, the frequency of acceptance strategy in the high level group was significantly higher than that in the low level group. According to Cook's multiple competence theory, transfer is bidirectional. In the initial stage of language learning, the transfer from mother tongue to foreign language is more obvious, while the reverse transfer (from foreign language to mother tongue) is more obvious in high-level language learners. Acceptance strategies were used more frequently in the high-level group than in the low-level group. According to Leech's politeness principle, the consistency criterion is used more frequently in the high level group than in the low level group. (2) there were also significant gender differences in compliment response strategies. Regardless of their English proficiency, boys used more rejection strategies than girls (including non-response strategies and non-acceptance strategies). The female group uses the acceptance strategy and the comprehensive strategy more frequently, the reason is that the social status of the gender tradition is different, the social demand and expectation of the society are different, the social function of the compliment and the answer of the different gender are also different. The results of this study can help people to have a more comprehensive understanding of pragmatic transfer, to make language workers pay more attention to the relationship between language and culture in language teaching, and to make people pay attention to gender differences in communication. Help people communicate smoothly.


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