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发布时间:2018-11-11 16:39
[Abstract]:Based on constructivist learning theory, humanism education theory and autonomous learning theory, this paper takes two parallel class students of Laozhuang Junior Middle School in Zhenping County, Nanyang City, Henan Province as the research object, and adopts the method of interview. This paper probes into the teaching mode of "three doubts and three explorations" to cultivate students' autonomous learning ability. This study will focus on the following contents: 1. The present situation of students' autonomous learning; 2. The teaching practice of cultivating students' autonomous learning ability by "three doubts and three explorations". Through the questionnaire survey, the present situation of students' autonomous learning is understood, and the teaching practice of "three doubts and three explorations" is carried out by using the teaching mode of "three doubts and three explorations". First of all, "setting up doubts and self-exploration", the students independently preview the text, find out what they do not understand (including the knowledge learned and the new knowledge of this class), and then try to ask questions according to the learned knowledge and the new text; The second is to "solve doubts", students within or between groups of communication to raise questions, and jointly explore how to solve the problem; Once again, "questioning and reexploring", in the first two links, some problems may not be noticed by students, or the depth of exploration is not enough, in the teacher inspired, skillfully led the students to put forward the problem, and then handed over to the students to solve; Finally, through the teachers' teaching, the students' ability of writing questions, asking questions and solving questions independently is developed. It is found that in the present junior middle school English classroom, students' autonomous learning status is less, mainly passive learning, students have no independent cognition, the opportunity of autonomous experience, and the cultivation of autonomous learning ability is difficult to carry out. And autonomous cognition and autonomous experience are full of the whole process of teaching mode of "three doubts and three explorations", which is conducive to cultivating students' ability of autonomous preview, self-questioning, questioning and resolving doubts.


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