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发布时间:2018-11-12 21:23
[Abstract]:The translated texts are the foreign propaganda materials of Hunan Cultural Department and Xiangxiang City which the author contacted during his translation practice at Hunan Press Station of China Daily. China Daily Hunan Press Station is one of the practice bases of Hunan University School of Foreign languages. With its strong translation capability, Hunan Provincial Department of Culture and Xiangxiang Gateway website are responsible for bilingual maintenance. The author was fortunate to practice in the base, so he was able to translate these primary materials to propagate Hunan culture, and benefited greatly from the common guidance of his internal and external mentors. Some classical Chinese sentences are used to introduce and evaluate historical figures in the translated text, which has become the focus and difficulty of translation. The translation of classical Chinese plays an important role in inheriting and spreading Chinese culture. Therefore, according to the translation characteristics of classical Chinese, the author wrote the translation report. This translation practice report focuses on the background of the translated text, the process of translation, the analysis of translation examples, and the summary of the four aspects of the translation practice, with emphasis on the key points and difficulties encountered in translation. This paper first introduces the background knowledge, then introduces the translation process in detail, and explains the translation process through an example. Finally, the translation is analyzed in depth from two angles, namely, the veracity and readability of the translated text. In order to ensure the accuracy, I adopted the methods of searching for equivalent words, transliterating and adding notes, and in order to ensure readability, I adopted the methods of free translation, saving translation, reorganizing sentences and so on, which initially achieved the translation effect. In addition, with the help of ancient Chinese dictionaries, parallel texts, and other tools, this report selects selected translation examples to explain not only the source of the original text, but also the analytical methods chosen to make the translated text directional and practical. It is hoped that it can be used as a useful reference for the English translation of classical Chinese.


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