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发布时间:2018-11-16 14:16
[Abstract]:This paper is a translation practice report, mainly reflects on the translation of Chinese senior high school students studying abroad. At present, many parents will let their children choose to study abroad when their children are in junior high school. The popularity of studying abroad has prompted the increase in the number of institutions studying abroad. For the study abroad, there is also a considerable amount of translation paperwork to do. The original text of this translation report is the relevant study materials of the Aixi Institute for studying abroad. The purpose of these materials is to make parents understand the relevant process and precautions of studying abroad and the specific preparatory work that needs to be done before and after their children studying abroad. In order to make parents have a better understanding of their children's study abroad and make clear their intention to go abroad, the author chooses the introduction text of the Aichi Institute for English-Chinese translation. The original text of the translated text has many sentence structures, such as multi-attributive clauses, many imperative sentences and long sentences. The difficulty in translating these sentences is that they are more closely related to the expression habits of Chinese readers. Under the guidance of Skopos theory, in the translation of attributive clauses, the translation strategies of preposition, postposition and translation into adverbial clauses are used to express attributive clauses in Chinese. In the translation of imperative sentences, the strategies of word order adjustment and addition are adopted, and when dealing with English long sentences, two translation strategies are used: split and recombine. With the guidance of Skopos theory and the use of translation strategies above, the final translation is in line with the Chinese expression habits, and can really help the target readers to understand the specific details and requirements of the relevant materials for studying abroad. The true purpose of translation has been achieved.


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