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发布时间:2018-11-16 14:18
【摘要】:本报告原文出自诺顿·雷默和杰西·唐宁合著的《投资史》(Investment:A History)。通过讲述投资从古至今的发展历程,深入探讨了投资民主化的进程。节选部分讲述的是退休的概念以及退休金制度是如何出现和发展起来的,重点介绍了社会保障制度以及私人退休计划,让读者对投资民主化有更深入的了解。退休与人们的生活息息相关,关系着社会的稳定和谐。退休金是否入市是退休制度改革的重点,也是当前国内的热点。了解退休制度的发展对国内退休制度的改革具有重要的借鉴意义。翻译实践报告包括四个部分:翻译任务描述、译前准备、案例分析、实践总结。第一部分描述了翻译任务,简要介绍了材料来源、作者以及作品简介和作品评价,详细介绍了《投资史》的出版信息和选材意义;第二部分介绍了译前的准备工作,包括原文的阅读和分析、翻译策略、翻译辅助工具、初译中遇到的重点和难点及审读、润色、定稿;第三部分是案例分析,从词汇、句子、篇章、背景知识四个方面分析;第四部分总结了此次翻译实践的经验教训。
[Abstract]:The original text of this report is from the History of Investment (Investment:A History).), co-authored by Norton Remo and Jesse Tang Ning. This paper discusses the process of investment democratization by narrating the development of investment from ancient to present. The excerpt describes the concept of retirement and how the pension system emerged and developed, focusing on the social security system and private retirement plans, so that readers have a deeper understanding of the democratization of investment. Retirement is closely related to people's life and social stability and harmony. Whether the pension enters the market is the key point of the retirement system reform, is also the current domestic hot spot. Understanding the development of the retirement system is of great significance to the reform of the retirement system in China. The translation practice report consists of four parts: translation task description, pre-translation preparation, case analysis and practice summary. The first part describes the translation task, briefly introduces the source of the material, the author, the introduction and evaluation of the works, and introduces in detail the publishing information and the significance of the selection of materials in the History of Investment. The second part introduces the preparatory work before translation, including the reading and analysis of the original text, translation strategies, translation aids, key points and difficulties encountered in the initial translation, reading, finishing and finalizing; The third part is a case study, from four aspects of vocabulary, sentence, text and background knowledge, and the fourth part summarizes the experience and lessons of this translation practice.


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1 赵博阳;中世纪教会济贫法律研究[D];华东政法大学;2015年




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