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发布时间:2018-11-17 10:34
【摘要】:世界日益成为一个联系紧密的地球村,国与国之间的联系,尤其是在经济领域的合作越来越密切。而跨国之间的经济合作需要订立经济合同,英汉合同翻译应运而生。目前市场上英文合同的翻译质量参差不齐,或因理解错误、表述不清、口语化、措辞不当、语义松散等原因,使合同一方有意或无意利用合同漏洞谋取不正当利益,导致商业纠纷不断。因此,准确翻译英汉合同的重要性不言而喻。2016年,笔者在石家庄广域翻译公司进行了 5个月的翻译实习,接手大量的翻译文件,尤以英汉文件的翻译居多。英汉文件翻译中,又以合同翻译居多。本文所要进行的研究即是建立在笔者所从事的翻译实践基础之上。从笔者从事的翻译实践出发,研究英汉合同翻译,更具实践指导意义。本研究以胡庚申的生态翻译学理论为基础,以笔者在翻译公司的翻译实践为例,对翻译实践的译前准备、翻译过程和译后工作进行讨论,并从生态翻译学理论的三维论和事后追惩两个方面,分析英汉合同翻译应如何从语言维、文化维和交际维出发进行翻译,同时摘出典型误译情况,即漏译、表达错误及逻辑混乱。本文共分为五章。第一章为任务介绍,主要介绍任务背景、任务简介、任务目的以及研究意义。第二章是理论框架,主要概述了胡庚申的生态翻译理论,介绍了其关键术语的定义和核心思想,并阐述了生态翻译学在合同翻译中的应用研究。第三章着重探讨了任务过程,从译前准备、翻译过程、译后审校三个方面来对合同翻译的案例研究过程进行概述,其中具体概述合同翻译的特征及要求。第四章为文章的主体部分,该章以生态翻译学为理论基础,以笔者的翻译实践为例,分析应如何进行英汉合同翻译及导致合同翻译中的误译分类。最后一章对全文进行了小结。希望本研究对英汉合同翻译能够提供一定的启发和借鉴。
[Abstract]:The world is becoming a close-knit global village, and the relationship between countries, especially in the economic field, is becoming closer and closer. However, economic cooperation among transnational countries requires the conclusion of economic contracts, and translation of contracts between English and Chinese arises at the historic moment. At present, the translation quality of English contracts in the market is not uniform, or because of misunderstanding, unclear expression, colloquial, improper wording, loose semantics and so on, so that one party to the contract intentionally or unintentionally uses the loopholes of the contract to seek improper interests. Leading to commercial disputes. Therefore, the importance of accurate translation of English and Chinese contracts is self-evident. In 2016, the author took over a large number of translated documents at Shijiazhuang wide area Translation Company for five months, especially in the translation of English and Chinese documents. In the translation of English-Chinese documents, contract translation is the majority. The research of this thesis is based on the translation practice. It is more instructive to study English-Chinese contract translation from the author's translation practice. Based on Hu Gengshen's ecological translation theory and the author's translation practice in the translation company, this study discusses the pre-translation preparation, translation process and post-translation work of translation practice. From the perspective of the theory of ecological translation, this paper analyzes how English and Chinese contract translation should be translated from linguistic dimension, cultural dimension and communicative dimension, and at the same time extract the typical case of mistranslation, that is, omission of translation. Error of expression and confusion of logic. This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter introduces the background, purpose and significance of the task. The second chapter is the theoretical framework, mainly summarizes Hu Gengshen's ecological translation theory, introduces the definition and core ideas of his key terms, and expounds the application of ecological translation in contract translation. Chapter three focuses on the task process and summarizes the case study process of contract translation from three aspects: pre-translation preparation, translation process and post-translation revision, including the characteristics and requirements of contract translation. The fourth chapter is the main part of the thesis. This chapter is based on the theory of ecological translation and takes the author's translation practice as an example to analyze how to classify contract translation in English and Chinese as well as the mistranslation in contract translation. The last chapter summarizes the whole paper. It is hoped that this study can provide some inspiration and reference for English-Chinese contract translation.


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