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发布时间:2018-11-17 17:49
[Abstract]:This translation of the report articles are selected from the Harvard Business Review website https://.org. As an authoritative journal dedicated to promoting business management practices, the Harvard Business Review provides advanced, unique management ideas and excellent management methods to business people around the world. And for the businessmen and their organizations to bring a positive impact. Many advanced management concepts are conceived from Harvard Business Review, which have a profound impact on business management practices around the world. According to Newmark's text type theory, the author defines Harvard Business Review as informational text. Informative texts mainly express facts, information, knowledge, views, etc. Their language features are strong logic, the focus of the text is content rather than form, and the translation should be simple and clear vernacular text to convey the same concepts and information as the original text. This report is divided into six chapters: the first chapter introduces the original text and the importance of text translation; the second chapter briefly introduces the progress of translation; the third chapter makes a specific analysis of the original text from the aspects of vocabulary, syntax and text. The fourth chapter is the analysis and translation of culture-loaded words, the fifth chapter mainly introduces the application of translation techniques in text translation, and the sixth chapter is the translator's summary of this translation project. Through intensive reading of the text, the author found that Chinese and western enterprises are different in management concepts and methods. Western enterprises pay more attention to humanistic management and insist on people-oriented management. Emphasize strategies in management methods, such as vision, analytical power, feedback, etc. By analyzing the linguistic characteristics of such texts in terms of vocabulary, syntax and discourse, the author finds that the understanding and translation of culture-loaded words, the processing of complex sentences, cohesion and coherence are the most important difficulties in translation. Separate translation, word order adjustment and other translation techniques to deal with the original sentence. As a translator of Business English, the author concludes four points: the translator should pay equal attention to practice and practice, the translator should pay attention to the combination of theory and practice, the translator should pay attention to the translation of business texts as well as the use of translation skills. The translator should not only master the knowledge of business, but also learn and dabble in it, and the translator should pay attention not only to the cultivation of professional skills of business, but also to the training of professional ethics.


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