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发布时间:2018-11-17 20:31
[Abstract]:With the development of the "going out" project of Chinese culture, the translation of Chinese literature, especially modern and contemporary literature, has attracted more and more attention from academic circles. At the same time, Chinese literature is still in the marginal position of world literature. The case study of successful translation is helpful for us to sum up our experience and reflect on the deficiency. Zhang Jie's "heavy Wings" was hailed as China's first full-length reform novel. It won the second Mao Dun Prize for Literature in 1985, was translated into 12 languages, and two English versions were published in two years. This phenomenon is rare in Chinese contemporary literature and deserves our attention. However, from the current research situation, the research on the English version of heavy Wings is insufficient in terms of quality and quantity, and few people are involved in the comparison of the two versions. Based on this problem, this thesis aims to make a comparative analysis of the two English versions from the perspective of cultural communication and translation studies, focusing on the reasons for the choice of the two versions, especially the causes of retranslation. On the basis of the differences in translation strategies and the reasons for their acceptance and evaluation in the target language, this paper attempts to summarize the gains and losses of the translation of heavy wings, and puts forward some possible suggestions for the translation of Chinese contemporary literature. The research conclusions of this thesis mainly include the following aspects: first, the choice of Dainaidi's translation reflects more translator's initiative, while the choice of the translation of GE Haowen is initiated by the publishing house for political reasons and based on the consideration of perfect translation; In terms of translation strategies, the differences between the two versions are mainly at three levels: thematic level, narrative level and linguistic level. Dainaidi adopted the method of manipulating the secondary text, deleting, cutting, rewriting, and free translation. The rewriting degree of the translation is obvious, while GE's version is faithful to the original text in general, and mainly in literal translation. Pay attention to convey the artistic features and cultural images of the original language, vivid and readable. Thirdly, the different choices of translation strategies between the two translators are mainly influenced by five factors: translator's translation style, social mainstream ideology, poetics, patronage, and the competitive tension between pre-translation and retranslation. Fourthly, through the comparison of the quantity of the translation collection, the evaluation of the specialized readers and the ordinary readers, we can see that the two versions have gained some influence, and the translation and communication effect of GE version is more successful, at the same time, there are also some shortcomings. It is mainly reflected in the criticism of the artistry of the work itself. Based on the above analysis, this thesis attempts to make some suggestions on the "going global" of Chinese literature from four aspects: the choice of translation, the choice of translation strategy, the channel of translation introduction and the value of retranslation. Finally, the limitations and shortcomings of the research are discussed from two aspects: research methods and research contents.


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