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发布时间:2018-11-18 22:05
[Abstract]:This report is based on the author's translation of chapters 17 to 25 of the American children's fantasy novel Wild Jungle: the Secret of the Underground. The Wild Jungle: the Secret of the Underground. Lin Melloy wrote, His wife Carson Ellis has beautifully illustrated the book. As a sequel to Wilderness Jungle (one of the Wild Jungle series), the book goes on to tell the adventures of Pru Malkiel as he delves into the wilderness. According to Halliday's register theory, the register features of the original text should be reproduced in the target text and be equivalent in three aspects: the field, the form and the tenor. In the process of translating this book, the translator pays attention to three aspects of the register, carries on the register analysis to the original text, completes the translation of the original work and the writing of the report. The report selects concrete examples from the source text and the target text, and studies and discusses the translation from three aspects: the field, the tenor and the form, combined with the relevant theories of the register. This report is divided into four parts: the first part is the task description, including a brief introduction to the selected translated text and its author, the content of the selected text and the translator's translation motivation; The second part is process description, including pre-translation preparation, translation process arrangement and post-translation quality control; the third part is case study; the last part is a summary of practice. Through this practice, the translator hopes to improve his translation skills, summarize the problems in translation practice, and provide some reference for the translation of fantasy novels in the future.


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