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发布时间:2018-11-18 22:33
[Abstract]:At the beginning of the 21 st century, American TV dramas have set off an upsurge of online viewing in China. American dramas not only bring foreign entertainment, but also deepen the exchange and dissemination of Chinese and foreign cultures. With the emergence of American TV drama forums and subtitle groups, subtitle translation plays an increasingly important role in cross-cultural communication. Among many American TV dramas, the Big Bang Theory is a sitcom with the theme of depicting the daily life of the American people. Subtitle translation has also become the focus of attention of researchers. While affirming the results of subtitle translation, we should also realize that there are still many problems. This paper summarizes the five shortcomings of subtitle translation of the play, namely, the abuse of dialect network language, the misuse of classical Chinese and colloquial language, the replacement and neglect of the concept, the setting of the contrary situation and the lack of proper annotation. The first reason is that the translator has violated the register principle, which requires the use of the appropriate language in a certain context; for the second deficiency, the translator improperly uses idioms to translate subtitles. The above two shortcomings can be explained by Monabeck's translation strategies of register and idiom and collocation. The latter three points ignore the need for translation to convey culture and reflect the role of exotic customs, and also reflect the two deficiencies of subtitle translation, that is, excessive domestication and omission of translation. The former mainly caused the lack of exotic sentiment, while the latter caused the lack of cultural renewal. These points can be illustrated by Weinuti's alienation translation theory. The missing text has the characteristics of multi-level, multi-region and cross-scope, so the theory to support it is to adopt the principle of multivariate treatment of multivariate problems. In the detailed analysis of each type of cases, we draw lessons from Weinuti's foreignization translation theory and Monabeck's translation strategy on register and idiom, from the translator's attitude and tendency to translation, the audience's demand and expectation for the translation. This paper probes into the requirements of the situation, the quasi-correct meaning of words and concepts, and provides a translation that not only meets the requirements of smoothness, but also promotes the cultural renewal and preserves the exotic sentiment. It can be seen from the case analysis that the main reasons for the insufficiency of subtitle translation of American TV series are: (1) translators pay more attention to the auxiliary entertainment function of translation and neglect the cultural communication function of translation; (2) the translator's role cannot be taken seriously, nor can the source text be taken seriously, and the phenomenon of tampering with the lines occurs from time to time; (3) the strategies and concrete methods of translation are not well understood. In view of the above five deficiencies, the following general strategies can be adopted: (1) the standard language should be used as far as possible in the translation, (2) the role of specific cultural concepts in the play should be properly assessed; (3) to grasp the character and situation of the characters, (4) to comment on places that hinder the understanding of the plot or cultural default. These strategies and problems do not correspond to one-to-one relationship, translation must be a comprehensive study. Through the study of the inadequacies of subtitle translation in the Big Bang Theory of Life, this paper aims to provide a reference for improving the quality of subtitle translation and better reflecting the social and cultural life of the United States.


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