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发布时间:2018-11-21 10:46
【摘要】:师范生教师职业认同是他们对教师职业肯定的动态评价。非免费师范生在师范生中占据大多数,他们的职业认同关系着大多数师范生的职业意向及教师队伍的稳定。英语作为世界的通用语言,是我们能够与国外进行交流的一种语言平台,能让我们更加了解世界的动态和最先进的知识。我国把英语做为中小学的必修课程之一,让我们意识到了英语及英语教师的重要性。因此,英语专业非免费师范生教师职业认同的高低不仅影响他们对工作的满意程度,更决定着英语教师队伍的稳定性以及英语教育质量的高低。本研究采用问卷调查法、访谈法两种方式,选取集宁师范学院和内蒙古师范大学英语专业的学生作为样本,从职业意志、职业价值、职业期望、职业效能四个维度,采用SPSS 20.0分析了英语专业非免费师范生教师职业认同的现状并提出如下问题:1)英语专业非免费师范生的教师职业认同现状如何?2)英语专业非免费师范生的教师职业认同是否受性别、户籍、是否独生子女、是否有教学经验这些基本信息的影响?本研究的分析结果如下:1)英语专业非免费师范生的总体教师职业认同程度较高。在四个维度中,他们的职业认同度从高到低依次是职业期望、职业效能、职业价值观和职业意志。2)英语专业非免费师范生的教师职业认同受性别、户籍、是否有教学经验这些基本信息的影响。女性英语专业非免费师范生的教师职业认同程度高于男性英语专业非免费师范生;城市户口英语专业非免费师范生的教师职业认同程度低于农村户口;有教学经验的英语非免费师范生职业认同高于没有教学经验的;独生子女英语专业非免费师范生教师职业认同程度和非独生子女英语专业非免费师范生没有显著差异。最后针对英语专业非免费师范生教师职业认同存在的问题,笔者提出了一些可行的对策。如在就业方面,招聘方应该平等对待免费师范生和非免费师范生,从而给予英语专业非免费师范生更多的就业机会。相关部门应采取措施提高教师的经济待遇,完善教师的社会保障制度,从而提高教师社会认同度,提高教师的地位,增强教师的职业意志力和职业价值观。学校应该重视提高英语专业非免费师范生的教师专业知识水平,重视提高他们的英语口语能力,并且给他们提供更多的实习机会来提高他们的自我效能感及教学能力。
[Abstract]:Teachers' professional identity is their dynamic evaluation of teachers' professional affirmation. Non-free normal students occupy the majority of normal students, their professional identity is related to the professional intention of most normal students and the stability of teachers. As the universal language of the world, English is a kind of language platform that we can communicate with foreign countries. It can let us know more about the dynamic and the most advanced knowledge of the world. Our country regards English as one of the compulsory courses in primary and secondary schools, which makes us realize the importance of English and English teachers. Therefore, the professional identity of non-free teachers in English majors not only affects their job satisfaction, but also determines the stability of English teachers and the quality of English education. This study adopts two methods: questionnaire survey and interview, and selects English majors from Jining normal University and Inner Mongolia normal University as samples, from four dimensions: professional will, career value, career expectation and career efficacy. Using SPSS 20.0, this paper analyzes the status quo of teachers' professional identity of non-free teachers in English major and puts forward the following questions: 1) what is the status quo of teachers' professional identity of non-free teachers majoring in English majors? 2) Non-free teachers of English majors Whether Fan Sheng's professional identity as a teacher is sexed, Household registration, whether only child, whether has the teaching experience these basic information influence? The results of this study are as follows: 1) the teachers' professional identity of English majors is higher than that of non-free teachers. In the four dimensions, the degree of professional identity is from high to low in the order of career expectation, career efficacy, professional values and professional will. 2) Teachers' professional identity of non-free English major teachers is subject to gender, household registration. Whether or not there is teaching experience these basic information influence. The degree of teachers' professional identity of female English majors is higher than that of male English majors, while that of urban English majors is lower than that of rural ones. The professional identity of English non-free teachers with teaching experience is higher than that without teaching experience, and there is no significant difference between non-free English teachers with one-child English majors and non-free teachers with non-only child English majors. Finally, the author puts forward some feasible countermeasures against the problems of teachers' professional identity. For example, in the aspect of employment, the recruiter should treat the free normal students and the non-free teachers students equally, so as to give English majors more employment opportunities. The relevant departments should take measures to improve the economic treatment of teachers, perfect the social security system of teachers, so as to improve teachers' social identity, improve teachers' status, and strengthen teachers' professional willpower and professional values. The school should pay more attention to improving the teachers' professional knowledge of non-free English majors, to improve their oral English ability, and to provide them with more practical opportunities to improve their sense of self-efficacy and teaching ability.


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