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发布时间:2018-11-21 15:50
[Abstract]:Conceptual metaphor theory refers to the metaphor in our daily life which is embodied not only in language but also in thought and behavior (Lakoff and Johansson 1980). This theory has built a bridge between thought and language. Conceptual metaphor theory includes structural metaphor, directional metaphor and substantive metaphor. In time metaphor, time is the target domain, and another concept is the source domain. For more than 30 years, the study of time metaphor has mainly focused on the representation of time and the contrast between English and Chinese. The study of English and Chinese temporal metaphors from the perspective of temporal reference frame is rare. This thesis analyzes the similarities and differences between Chinese and English temporal metaphors from the perspective of temporal reference frame, covering the research content of this thesis. The time frame includes the indicative frame, the sequence frame and the absolute frame, representing the corresponding time relationship, past and future, earlier and later, and matrix time relation. Based on the essential temporal relationship embodied in each frame, 1000 synonyms from the National Corpus of England and the corpus of the Center for Chinese Linguistics Research of Peking University were randomly selected for study. The similarities and differences between English and Chinese temporal metaphors are summed up by subjective judgment and statistics of the temporal relationship between Chinese and English corpus. The similarities of this thesis are as follows: in the frame of indication, people can face the future and turn their backs to the past; Some English words which can be mapped to space can be expressed in Chinese, and the time relation of expression is the same. The high/ height in the vertical dimension of the frame referred to in the sequence is the same as the deep/ depth in the collected corpus, that is, zero, that is, these words do not express the temporal relationship in Chinese and English metaphors; In the absolute frame, the so-called time is the clock, calendar and official time, in other words, time is described by objective existence. However, the difference is more than the same and only exists in the frame indicated by the indicator and the frame indicated by the sequence: in the frame indicated by the indicator, some Chinese can also face the past and back to the future; In the frame of sequence reference, the difference of time metaphor between Chinese and English is analyzed from three dimensions: level, front and back. Through comparative analysis, it is found that the earlier and later time relationships in the frame indicated by the sequence can sometimes cover the past and future time relations in the frame indicated by the sequence. In this study, it is subjective to judge whether or not the corpus expresses the temporal relationship. It is hoped that some software can make more accurate data in this respect in the future.


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