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发布时间:2018-11-22 14:16
【摘要】:本实践报告基于美国小说作家约翰·诺尔斯的作品A Separate Peace翻译成汉语而作。小说讲述的是在二战背景下,一对青少年好朋友吉恩和菲尼亚斯的青春校园故事。本报告主要包括三部分:引言、翻译案例分析和翻译实践总结。前言部分涉及作者介绍、文本内容和文本结构。翻译案例分析作为论文的主体部分涉及词汇翻译、句子翻译、习语翻译和对话翻译。词汇翻译主要涉及名词翻译、动词翻译、性质性形容词翻译和方式副词的翻译。笔者采用归化策略和意译法相结合来使中英文对等。句子翻译主要涉及并列复合句翻译和被动短句的翻译。笔者主要采用分译法和语态转译来使译文更加顺畅。习语的翻译涉及俗语和粗俗语的翻译。笔者采用意译法和归化翻译策略相结合使译入语更加符合读者的阅读习惯。关于对话翻译,笔者采用引申策略和增译法相结合来使得对话更加生动,更加符合人物性格特征。通过撰写此实践报告,希望能够提高自己的翻译水平,为相关翻译活动提供参考。
[Abstract]:This report is based on the translation of A Separate Peace into Chinese by American novelist John Knowles. The novel tells the story of a pair of teenage friends Jean and Phineas on campus in the context of World War II. This report mainly includes three parts: introduction, translation case analysis and translation practice summary. The preface deals with the author's introduction, text content and text structure. As the main body of the thesis, translation case analysis deals with lexical translation, sentence translation, idiom translation and dialogue translation. Lexical translation mainly involves noun translation, verb translation, qualitative adjective translation and mode adverb translation. The author combines domestication and free translation to make both Chinese and English equivalent. Sentence translation mainly involves the translation of parallel compound sentences and passive short sentences. The author mainly uses split translation and voice translation to make the translation more smooth. The translation of idioms involves the translation of idioms and vulgarity. The author combines the free translation method with the domesticated translation strategy to make the target language more in line with the readers' reading habits. As for dialogue translation, the author combines the extended strategy and the incremental translation method to make the dialogue more vivid and more in line with the character characteristics of the characters. Through writing this practice report, I hope to improve my translation level and provide reference for related translation activities.


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