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发布时间:2018-11-22 14:24
[Abstract]:Comprehensive writing combined with reading and writing is an important part of college English writing, and skill mixing is the bottleneck of its construction description. Based on the framework of China English proficiency scale, this paper explores the constituent elements of Chinese English proficiency scale through questionnaires and writing tasks. The data analysis of 205 teachers and 299 students shows that: 1) the ability of combining reading and writing is an independent construction which is different from the ability of reading or writing, and meditation is one of its typical elements; 2) Comprehensive reading and writing combined with writing ability includes reading and writing ability, reading and writing strategy, reading, writing and planning. Reading and writing strategy-reading, writing-execution, reading and writing ability-contemplation-transformation and so on; 3) the variance contribution rate of writing ability is the largest, and its contribution rate is closely related to task type. This paper can provide useful reference for writing teaching and classroom evaluation.
【作者单位】: 上海大学外国语学院英语系;


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