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发布时间:2018-11-24 20:15
[Abstract]:Pre-school education is an important part of the national education system. It is clearly pointed out in the outline of the National medium and long term Education Reform and Development Plan (2010-2020) and the State Council's views on the current Development of Pre-school Education. By 2020, the country will basically achieve universal preschool education. The realization of this goal requires a high level of preschool teachers as the foundation and guarantee. Also need to have a set of special textbooks for preschool education. The English textbook of higher Education Press, four volumes, is the first five-year English teaching material for preschool teachers in China. The purpose of this thesis is to make a systematic evaluation of English 1. According to the relevant theories and achievements of the evaluation and analysis of teaching materials at home and abroad, this paper makes a comprehensive assessment of English 1 by literature and investigation. The purpose of this paper is to study the following three questions: (1) what language syllabus is used in the compilation of < English 1 >? (2) does English 1 > meet the actual needs of students majoring in preschool education? (3) what are the advantages and disadvantages of the teaching materials? Through the text analysis of the teaching material and the form of questionnaire and interview, the paper analyzes the current situation of the use of the textbook. The author collates and analyzes the relevant data collected and draws the following conclusions: < English 1 > generally conforms to the Standard of teacher Education Curriculum (try out), and the content-based syllabus and communicative syllabus are mainly adopted in the course of compiling; Can meet the actual needs of preschool education students. It focuses on learners, advocates content-based language teaching and communicative teaching, and closely combines students' professional needs; With the topic of each unit as the main line, the knowledge and skills are closely combined, the activities are designed in the form of plates, the key language points of each module are infiltrated into every teaching link, the training of vocabulary learning and listening, speaking, reading and writing is closely combined. Presenting words in context; The practice activities are rich, diverse and targeted, which can effectively cultivate the students' ability to use the language and emphasize the cultivation of cultural consciousness. Its deficiency mainly shows: the grammatical arrangement lacks the system, the supporting material is on the low side and so on. Therefore, it is necessary for our teachers to use the textbook creatively in practice, pay attention to emotional teaching, and further optimize the teaching method. The author also puts forward some suggestions on the revision of the textbook, hoping that this set of English textbooks for preschool education majors can be more perfect and improve the students' language use ability. Prepare students to become excellent kindergarten teachers.


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