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发布时间:2018-11-26 14:39
[Abstract]:Effective questioning is one of the most commonly used teaching strategies in English classroom. Teachers' effective questioning plays an important role in cultivating students' interest in English learning and motivating English learning motivation. A large number of studies have shown that students are more eager to learn only when their motivation is aroused. Therefore, it is not only necessary but also of great practical significance to study how teachers ask questions in class and have a positive impact on students' English learning motivation. However, there are relatively few studies on the effect of validity questioning on English learning motivation in China. In addition, the research focuses on high school students and undergraduate students, but not on the students of higher vocational colleges. In particular, as a kind of effective questioning, the research of Qu:Est (asking questions for understanding: let students use their brains) mainly focuses on its effectiveness and its application in various disciplines. No research has been done to verify the influence of this strategy on students' learning motivation and the specific methods to stimulate students' English learning motivation by using the strategy. Therefore, on the basis of investigating the current situation of English learning motivation of higher vocational college students, this study attempts to study the influence of Qu:Est question strategy on their English learning motivation. The purpose of this paper is to put forward some effective suggestions on how to use Qu:Est strategy to stimulate students' English learning motivation. This study takes 149 college students in Jinan Vocational College as the research object, adopts questionnaire to collect data, and uses SPSS17.0 to carry on the statistical analysis, and answers the following three questions concretely: 1. What are the main English motivation types of vocational college students? What is the intensity of English learning motivation? how does 2.Qu:Est question strategy affect English learning motivation of higher vocational college students? 3. If the Qu:Est questioning strategy can stimulate the English learning motivation of higher vocational college students, which kinds of questions in the strategy play a major role? The results are as follows: 1. At present, the main type of English learning motivation of higher vocational college students is achievement motivation, and the motivation intensity is relatively low. 2. 2. After the implementation of Qu:Est questioning strategy, the intensity of English learning motivation was strengthened, but the type of English learning motivation changed little. 3. In the Qu:Est questioning strategy, the main problems that play an important role in motivating the English learning motivation of vocational college students are recall, observational, confirmatory, supportive, explanatory and direct questions. Finally, according to the findings of the study, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to use Qu:Est questioning strategy to stimulate the English learning motivation of vocational college students, points out the inadequacies of this study, and puts forward some suggestions for future research.


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