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发布时间:2018-11-26 20:29
[Abstract]:Yunnan and Southeast Asian countries have close ties, and bilateral relations have a long history. Especially in recent years, Yunnan, South Asia and Southeast Asia have deepened their contacts in the media industry, and have made great progress in publishing, radio and television, film, literature and the establishment of think tank forums. The "Yunnan tour of the mainstream media in South and Southeast Asia" is an important series of activities in these exchanges. In June 2016, the "sixth South and Southeast Asian mainstream Media Yunnan Travel" was held in Yunnan as planned, at the invitation of the director of the Yunnan Branch of the China News Service. The author participated in the translation of the activity. The task preparation time is tight and the target audience is 48 journalists from South and Southeast Asian countries. Accent problems and non-native English expression bring great difficulties to translators. The interpretation practice and practice report are guided by the interpretation theory. The translation report is based on the author's interpretation mission in Yunnan, the sixth major media in South Asia and Southeast Asia. The task includes two parts: escort interpretation and conference interpretation, which can be translated from English to Chinese as well as from Chinese to English. The translation report is divided into two parts. The first part is the transcripts of interpreting practice; the second part is the interpretation practice report: 2.1 is the task brief, 2.2 is the brief introduction to the interpretation process, 2.3 is the case analysis, and the corresponding interpretation methods are proposed. 2.4 summarizes the problems in the interpretation task and puts forward the relevant solutions; 2.5 as a summary and thinking about the future research work.


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