[Abstract]:The purpose of compiling language textbooks is to cultivate students' language competence. However, there are still some problems in the development of language competence in college English textbooks in China. They are mainly themed, language knowledge and skills are not systematic; Practice design is not conducive to the improvement of language proficiency. In view of these problems, this paper discusses three sets of foreign textbooks in solving these problems, in order to provide a reference for the next research and compilation of textbooks in China. In the systematic aspect, the foreign teaching material goal needs to be clear and concrete, the comprehensive interweaving each skill, manifests the language overall view, and pays attention to the skill and the ability systematicness. In the scientific aspect of content and practice design, foreign textbooks pay attention to the cultivation of individualized learning strategies, respect individual differences, pay attention to the teaching of lexical chunks, and pay attention to the cultivation of speculative ability.
【作者单位】: 西南大学外国语学院;
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