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发布时间:2018-11-28 15:10
[Abstract]:This paper is based on the "Golden Panda" Award of the < 2015 (13th) Sichuan Television Festival "International TV Series Awards" Review part of the C-E translation practice report. The summary section is a summary of the 2015 Sichuan TV Festival "Golden Panda" Award for international TV series selection, covering the background of the contest, awards, nominations and shortlisted works, as well as the jury, < 2015 (13th) Sichuan TV Festival "Golden Panda" Award International TV Series selection "total 96795 words, including 67694 words translated by the author." Under the guidance of functional Skopos, the author adopts a variety of translation strategies in order to achieve the translation purpose to the maximum extent. This paper chooses the author's summary as the case study object, analyzes the problems and solutions in the process of translation, and summarizes the experience and lessons in the process of translation. The purpose is to provide reference for the translation of similar texts. The translation report consists of five chapters: the first chapter introduces the translation project: the background, purpose, requirements and difficulties of the translation project, the second chapter is the theoretical guidance of the translation report; The third chapter is a description of the translation process, including pre-translation preparation, translation task implementation and post-translation revision; In chapter four, the author analyzes the translation task from three aspects: lexical, syntactic and rhetorical, and synthetically applies translation strategies to the difficulties and emphases of translation. Chapter five summarizes the experience and lessons of the translation project. It is hoped that the translator can understand the importance of applying a variety of translation assistance resources to supplement the relevant professional knowledge reserve, improve translation professional literacy, and actively communicate with clients in order to achieve a higher quality and more efficient translation.


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