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发布时间:2018-11-29 07:27
[Abstract]:Retranslation of literary classics is a very common phenomenon in literary translation. Literary works gain new vitality through translation, especially through constant retranslation. The masterpiece of Pu Songling, famous novelist of Qing Dynasty, Liaozhai Zhi Yi, had a high artistic achievement. It is the pinnacle of classical Chinese short stories, which is characterized by its twists and turns, its structure is rigorous and ingenious. Not only is Liaozhai a household name in China, but it is also highly respected and translated into many languages in foreign countries. Since Guo's first translation of Liaozhai Zhi Yi to the English world in 1842, it has been repeatedly retranslated by translators. Its history of retranslation is more than 160 years, which shows its important position in the history of world translation. Ethics is a philosophy of right and wrong. It takes various relations in human society as the main research object. As a cross-cultural communicative activity involving many subjects and relationships, translation is naturally subject to ethical constraints. The study of translation ethics began in the 1980's. French contemporary translation theorist and philosopher Antovana? Berman was the pioneer of the study of translation ethics. In early 1984, Berman first put forward the concept of "translation ethics" and emphasized that the study of "translation ethics" is an essential aspect of the construction of translation studies. After that, Anthony? Pim, Lawrence? Vanity, Andrew? Chesterman and others have put forward their own ethics of translation, among which Finnish scholar Andrew? Chesterman's view is the most representative. He draws lessons from and summarizes the existing studies on translation ethics and points out that the four kinds of translation ethics that exist in the field of translation at present are: the ethics of reproduction, that is, faithful reproduction of the original text or the author of the original text; The ethics of service, that is, to complete the requirements reached after negotiation with the client, and the ethics of communication, that is, to communicate with the "other" and based on norms, that is, to meet the expectations of a particular culture. Later, he added a commitment to ethics-the code of professional ethics and vows. So far, the five systematic ethical models of translation have been formally formed. Chesterman's ethics of translation has its own system and features, which provides a new perspective for the study of translation thoughts and practice. This paper intends to consider the retranslation of Liaozhai Biography from the perspective of translation ethics. The article selects the most classical Zhai Liz translation version in the history of Liaozhai Zhai translation as a reference, taking Chesterman's five major translation ethics models as theoretical support, from the lexical point of view. This paper probes into the phenomenon of retranslation from syntactic and textual levels. By comparing five new and old versions with extensive influence, the author finds that retranslation is reasonable and necessary, and it is not a simple repetition and waste. At the same time, translation practice needs to be guided by translation ethics, and translation practice embodies translation ethics everywhere. In literary translation, the various modes of translation ethics are fully manifested. However, the translator can not follow all the ethical models at the same time, he can only adhere to one or more ethical models. Compared with Zareth, the ethical models of the retranslators are different, reflecting the transmutation from seeking common ground to preserving differences in the translation ethics of the translators before and after. This change is mainly the result of the interaction of ideology, poetics and the translator's own cultural identity under the specific historical and cultural background.


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