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发布时间:2018-11-28 20:07
[Abstract]:In recent years, as more and more foreign tourists visit China, the problem of language barrier becomes more and more serious. When leading foreign tourists on sightseeing tours, how to accurately and appropriately introduce China's unique tourist resources to foreign tourists, attract more and more foreign tourists to sightseeing, spread Chinese culture, and promote Sino-foreign exchanges, The translation of tourist guides into English seems to be a problem that can not be ignored. Due to the different cultural backgrounds of the Chinese and English nationalities, the Chinese and English tourist guides have their own unique language styles. Generally speaking, Chinese stresses neatness and opulence, while most of the English guides are simple and practical, with intuitive language, and at the same time, they have the beauty of simplicity and nature. The biggest difference between them and Chinese is that they do not pursue four words and eight sentences. The audience of the guide is a tourist from an English-speaking country, so that they can learn more about the local tourist situation more quickly, so when translating the guide, the translator needs to make corresponding adjustments to the expressive characteristics of the English tourist guide. The translation not only meets the psychological needs of the audience but also has the characteristics of Chinese culture. Four-character box is a treasure in the Chinese language library, embodies the wisdom of the Chinese nation, embodies the broad and profound Chinese language. Chinese four-character figure is widely used in Chinese because of its unique ideographic function and rhetorical effect. As a kind of service text, tourist guides often use a large number of four-character boxes to describe. The raw material selected in this paper, Qinhuangdao tourist Guide, is a book published by Qinhuangdao Tourism Bureau for tour guides. In this thesis, a large number of four-character Ge Lai appeared in Qinhuangdao tourist Guide is studied. Firstly, the translation principle of four-character lattice is introduced, that is, the principle of conciseness and beauty of rhyme. The principle of unity of simplicity and artistic conception and the principle of unity of accuracy and cultural beauty are followed, and the translation of four-character cases in the original language is then dealt with on the basis of following these translation principles, that is, the four-character case in the original language is translated into one word. The method of translating into phrase phrases and into independent sentences. The four-character box embodies the charm of the Chinese language, so the translator should also show this when introducing foreign tourists, to the greatest extent possible, to let foreign tourists feel the same or similar feelings as the original language recipient. Let them feel the beauty of rhyme, rhythm and form of Chinese four-character lattice, and show the charm of Chinese language and culture. The purpose of this paper is to provide a practical reference for the translation of the four-character case in the guide and to improve its translation level. At the same time, the translation of the guide is of great practical significance to the foreign tourism industry in Qinhuangdao.


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