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发布时间:2018-11-28 16:42
【摘要】:本文是一篇翻译实践报告,其原文选自Environmental Health Risk-Hazardous Factors to Living Species(《环境健康风险——影响生物物种的有害因素》)一书。该书将多种相关信息收集并进行整理,提供了一系列有关环境污染的具体实例,并探讨了相关的治理措施,其目的在于减少环境因素对人类健康造成的威胁。笔者所译章节为原文的第一章,该章是由Arzu?zkara,Dilek Aky?l and Muhsin Konuk三人共同撰写的一篇论文。文章解析了农药的本质,阐述其发展史、分类、风险及其对人类健康与环境的影响,旨在相关领域提出新的研发理念,以确保人体健康与生态平衡。本翻译实践报告的内容主要包括以下四个章节:第一章为翻译项目简介,包括项目的背景、目标、意义及翻译实践报告结构;第二章为原文背景的介绍,包括作者介绍、原文出版信息、原文主要内容以及原文语言学特征分析。由于原文为信息型文本,其翻译应以准确传递原文信息、确保译文可读性为宗旨;第三章为本翻译实践报告的核心部分,重点阐述了翻译难点与翻译技巧。该部分以纽马克(Peter Newmark)的交际翻译为理论基础,针对长句、抽象名词以及术语的翻译进行了详细阐述,也使用了包括分译、合译、增译、省译以及转换五种翻译技巧对相关难点进行针对性的解决,以达到让译文流利、通顺的效果;第四章为总结,包括翻译启发及亟待解决的问题。
[Abstract]:This paper is a translation report from Environmental Health Risk-Hazardous Factors to Living Species (, Environmental Health risks-harmful factors affecting Biological species. The book collects and collates a variety of relevant information, provides a series of specific examples of environmental pollution, and discusses the relevant measures to reduce the threat to human health caused by environmental factors. This chapter is the first chapter of the original text, which is written by Arzu?zkara,Dilek Aky?l and Muhsin Konuk. In this paper, the essence of pesticide is analyzed, and its history, classification, risk and its impact on human health and environment are expounded. The aim of this paper is to put forward a new research and development concept in order to ensure the balance between human health and ecology. The contents of this translation practice report mainly include the following four chapters: the first chapter is a brief introduction of the translation project, including the background, objectives, significance and structure of the translation practice report; The second chapter introduces the background of the original text, including the author's introduction, the original publication information, the main contents of the original text and the linguistic features of the original text. Since the original text is an informative text, its translation should be aimed at accurately transmitting the original information and ensuring the readability of the translation. Chapter three is the core part of this translation practice report, which focuses on translation difficulties and translation techniques. On the basis of Newmark (Peter Newmark) 's communicative translation, this part elaborates on the translation of long sentences, abstract nouns and terms. In order to achieve the effect of fluency and smoothness of translation, five translation techniques can be used to solve the related difficulties. The fourth chapter is a summary, including translation inspiration and problems to be solved.


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